UPDATE: Colorado Democrats Appoint The Youngest & Most Progressive New Member To The General Assembly

UPDATE 3:14pm: In response to the nomination of progressive Democrat Tim Hernández to the Colorado General Assembly over the weekend, Colorado House Republicans released the following statement on Twitter.

Hernández replaces Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, who was elected Denver City Council Member At-Large in April's municipal elections. 

"The people of Denver's Northside and Westside deserve a representative who has lived experiences with our community's struggles. I am happy to say today that the people of HD4 elected a teacher, a Chicano and a Northsider," said Representative-Elect Hernández in a weekend statement. "I am hopeful and excited that we will work to dismantle oppressive policies in Colorado and in the communities I have the privilege of representing."

Tim Hernández, a community activist and teacher's union advocate, was selected by the Democrat vacancy committee on Saturday to fill the seat for House District 4 until 2024. This comes after former Rep. Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, who had represented the district since 2019, resigned to join the Denver City Council.


Hernández, a progressive Democrat says public education funding and increasing teacher’s pay is his top policy goal. Additionally, he is focused on pushing for gun control measures, disregarding the rights of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves and their families. He also wants to reduce community contact with law enforcement, which could potentially jeopardize public safety and hinder the ability of law enforcement officers to do their jobs effectively. Lastly, he supports policies like renter protections, housing density, and inclusionary zoning, which, as we have seen in the past, could lead to government overreach and interfere with free-market principles.


“I believe in a leadership philosophy called ‘mandar obedeciendo.’ That means that we lead at the will of our communities. It means that it’s not about what we decide and what we think.” Hernández told Denverite on August 1st. “I started having conversations with folks in the neighborhood and my community kind of consistently came back with that ask of asking me to step into this. So, I’m excited to be hopping in at the will of my community.”


Tim Hernández emerged as a key player in the state's progressive political landscapefollowing his dismissal from his teaching position at Denver's North High School, prompting student protests focused on his termination and the supposed lack of diversity among educators.


In a recent contest for the House vacancy, Tim Hernández surpassed two fellow Denver Democrats, former state Rep. Rochelle Galindo and retired appellate judge Cecelia Espenoza. This victory further solidifies his status as a rising star within the Democratic Party, as he continues to gain support and influence among his peers.


Hernández's rise to prominence reflects the shifting dynamics within the Democratic Party, as more progressive voices, like his own, gain traction and push for more “change” that has been a signature of the failed policies of Denver.


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