Vivek Ramaswamy Tells CNN’s Van Jones to ‘Shut the F*ck Up’

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy made headlines on Sunday with his bold response to CNN's Van Jones, telling him to "just shut the f**k up."

The heated exchange took place after Jones accused Ramaswamy of being a demagogue during a discussion following the fourth GOP primary debate.

During the debate, Ramaswamy made controversial statements, suggesting that the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot was an "inside job" and claiming that the Great Replacement Theory is not a conspiracy theory but rather a basic statement of the Democratic Party's platform.

Jones took issue with these remarks and labeled Ramaswamy as "dangerous," comparing his rhetoric to Nazi propaganda.

However, Ramaswamy seemed unfazed by the criticism during his speech at Turning Point USA's AmericaFest conference in Phoenix, Arizona. He laughed off the response from the mainstream media, specifically highlighting Jones' comments.

In front of an enthusiastic audience at the conference, Ramaswamy addressed Jones' remarks, saying, "You got this character Van Jones on CNN afterward saying: 'This is the rise of an American demagogue who's gonna live 50 years longer than Trump, this is dangerous, I am shaking.'" Ramaswamy paused, shaking his head and laughing, before delivering his now-infamous retort: "Just shut the fuck up."


The crowd erupted in applause and rose to their feet, showing their support for Ramaswamy's unfiltered response. Ramaswamy further emphasized his point, stating, "At a certain point, just shut the fuck up."

Some argue that Ramaswamy's confrontational approach is exactly what the GOP needs to counter the prevailing narrative pushed by the mainstream media. They believe that his willingness to speak his mind and challenge the status quo is refreshing and necessary in today's political climate.

On the other hand, critics argue that Ramaswamy's use of profanity and his controversial statements only serve to further divide and polarize the nation. They believe that his confrontational style is unbecoming of a presidential candidate and undermines civil discourse.

The question remains: Is Vivek Ramaswamy too extreme, or is he exactly what the GOP needs?


Supporters see him as a fighter who is unafraid to challenge the establishment and speak his mind. They believe that his boldness resonates with voters who are tired of political correctness and want a candidate who will shake things up. Critics, however, view his rhetoric as dangerous and potentially harmful to national unity.

As the 2024 presidential race heats up, Ramaswamy's unapologetic style and willingness to push boundaries will likely continue to draw attention. Whether his approach will ultimately resonate with Republican voters and propel him to success remains to be seen.


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