Polis’ plan gives the state overreaching control over all aspects of life in Colorado

Governor Jared Polis is making headlines once again, this time with his extreme progressive agenda that aims to take over the state's housing markets and impose failed progressive mandates onto Colorado communities.

Polis recently unveiled his Roadmap to a Future Colorado 2026, which showcases his unwavering determination to control and manage every aspect of the state.


Using Colorado's 150th anniversary as a benchmark, Polis and his Democratic allies are planning to reshape the state according to their disturbing vision. The Governor has been promoting his roadmap, seeking support from like-minded individuals who share his desire for a state-controlled Colorado.

Polis has identified housing as one of the most pressing issues in the state during his visit to an affordable housing complex called The Commons in Colorado Springs. While affordable housing is indeed a concern, Polis's approach to address this issue is concerning.

His plan includes artificially lowering housing costs through subsidies, allowing state bureaucrats to manage the housing supply, and even controlling the free market by fixing prices. These measures not only undermine the principles of a free-market economy but have proven to be ineffective in other places where they have been implemented.

But housing is just the tip of the iceberg. Polis's roadmap also encompasses a wide range of liberal issues, including transportation and the management of natural resources like water and open spaces. His ambition to force communities to build mass transit and impose extreme solar, electric, and air quality mandates is a clear overreach of government power.

These top-down mandates impose unnecessary burdens on businesses and communities.


Polis's plan includes regulating all natural resources within the state, including water and open space. This level of government control over resources that have traditionally been managed by local authorities is a dangerous precedent. It threatens the rights of individual communities and undermines the principles of local governance.

Governor Polis's roadmap may sound appealing to some with its promises of affordability, sustainability, and livability. However, beneath these lofty aspirations lies a dangerous agenda that undermines the principles of free markets, individual liberty, and limited government. It is essential for Coloradans to critically examine the details of Polis's plan and consider the potential consequences of such extreme progressive policies.


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