PETA's Absurd Demands: Animal-Themed Amusement Park Carousels Under Attack

Animal rights organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has once again shown its extreme and nonsensical views by calling on amusement ride manufacturer Chance Rides to cease selling animal-themed carousels.

PETA claims that these carousels inadvertently celebrate the exploitation of animals, which they argue are sentient beings capable of emotions and social connections.

In a letter addressed to Chance Rides' CEO and president Aaron Landrum, PETA suggested that the company should only use non-animal designs such as cars, unicycles, rockets, shooting stars, rainbows, or brooms.

PETA believes that by eliminating animal-themed amusement rides, it would strike a blow against industries that still employ live animals for entertainment, such as camel rides or dolphin shows, which they claim can subject animals to abuse and terrible conditions.

PETA's president, Ingrid Newkirk, wrote in the letter, "All animals are thinking, feeling, affectionate, playful, and social beings who form strong bonds with their offspring if permitted to keep them."

Newkirk further claimed that animal-themed carousels reinforce the idea that animals exist solely for human entertainment, disregarding their capacity to experience fear, pain, joy, and love.

PETA pointed to Nabisco and Trader Joe's as examples of companies that have altered their product designs under pressure from the organization. Nabisco changed its design of caged animals on its Barnum's Animal Crackers boxes to animals roaming free in 2018, while Trader Joe's modified designs that featured elephants performing tricks in 2019.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has gotten Nabisco to change the picture on its animal cracker boxes so the animals appear in an uncaged state. For years the company's "Barnum's Animals" snacks came in a box that showed lions, polar bears, gorillas and elephants behind the bars of a circus boxcar. (Fox News)

Chance Rides, based in Wichita, operates numerous carousels featuring mainly "fantasy horses." They aim to create joy and imaginative experiences for children through their amusement rides. However, PETA insists that animal-themed carousels are outdated and should be replaced with designs that engage children's imagination and showcase human talent.

PETA's demands to eliminate animal-themed carousels are nothing short of absurd. These carousels are a beloved part of amusement parks and provide innocent fun for children and families. PETA's extreme views fail to recognize the distinction between real animals in captivity and the whimsical representations found on carousels.


Rather than focusing on the well-being of animals in legitimate cases of abuse or neglect, PETA continues to push its agenda by attacking harmless forms of entertainment. Their misguided crusade against animal-themed carousels only serves to undermine the joy and imagination that these rides bring to children.

It is important to prioritize real animal welfare concerns and not succumb to PETA's unreasonable demands. Chance Rides and other carousel manufacturers should continue to provide families with the delightful experience of animal-themed carousels, allowing children to create cherished memories without succumbing to PETA's misguided ideology.

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