Kevin McCarthy Says Matt Gaetz “Belongs in Jail.”

The strained relationship between GOP congressmen Kevin McCarthy and Matt Gaetz has taken a turn for the worse, with McCarthy suggesting that Gaetz belongs in jail.

The animosity between the two has been building over the past 10 months, fueled by various factors.

One of the reasons for the deteriorating relationship is Gaetz's refusal to support McCarthy's bid for House Speaker. Gaetz not only voted for another candidate through 14 rounds of voting but also voted present in the final round. This defiance likely did not sit well with McCarthy.

Another source of tension stems from Gaetz's accusations that McCarthy is behind the Ethics Committee investigation into allegations of sex trafficking and sexual misconduct against Gaetz. McCarthy, according to Gaetz, is believed to be orchestrating this investigation to undermine him.

Gaetz has also made a move to oust McCarthy from his leadership role, further straining their already fragile relationship.

Recently, McCarthy's suggestion that Gaetz belongs in jail has added fuel to the fire.

While speaking to Politico about the divisiveness among Florida Republicans in Congress, McCarthy made the bold statement, "You have [Rep. Matt] Gaetz, who belongs in jail, and you have serious members."

McCarthy did not specify the exact reasons for Gaetz's alleged criminality, but it is highly likely that he was referencing the allegations of sexual misconduct.

In 2021, the Justice Department initiated an investigation into Gaetz for allegedly engaging in sexual activities with an underage girl and crossing state lines. Additionally, CNN reported that Gaetz had shared explicit images of naked women with colleagues on the House floor and claimed to have slept with the women in the photos. Gaetz has vehemently denied these allegations.

While the Justice Department concluded its investigation without charging Gaetz with any crimes, the House Ethics Committee reopened its own investigation in July 2023.


In response to McCarthy's remarks, Gaetz fired back, accusing McCarthy of being the one who throws sucker punches and claiming that he only attacked McCarthy's fragile ego. Gaetz even called for an Ethics Committee investigation into McCarthy following an alleged incident in which McCarthy elbowed Representative Tim Burchett, although McCarthy denies these claims.

McCarthy didn't stop at the "belongs in jail" comment.

In an interview with the Daily Mail regarding the reopened investigation into Gaetz, McCarthy compared Gaetz's situation to that of George Santos, who has been charged with stealing donors' identities and misusing campaign funds.

McCarthy suggested that Gaetz's case might be even worse than Santos', although Gaetz has not been charged with any crimes.


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