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You just can’t make this stuff up! Rep. Elisabeth Epps goes off the rails in tear-filled rant pushing Colorado lunch bill to help children in Gaza

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Despite warnings from House leadership, Rep. Epps continues to disrupt the legislative process with her ongoing rants. This time, she has joined pro-Palestinian protesters in the gallery to heckle the only Republican Jewish member of the House, Rep. Ron Weinberg.

This comes after several disruptions and attempts to reason with Epps by members of the House and her own Black Caucus. Her false equivalences between the Jewish Holocaust and the situation in Gaza have been met with disdain from both sides of the aisle.

Responding to Rep. Weinberg's statements on the violence in Gaza, Epps once again called him a racist, causing even more tension in the already charged atmosphere. Meanwhile, the state is facing a major property tax crisis, and lawmakers have been called back to the Capitol to address the issue.

While Epps and her Democrat supporters are focused on the situation in Gaza, millions of homeowners in Colorado are left uncertain about their property tax bills, which continue to soar.

As the disruption at the Colorado State Capitol continues, many, including member of her own Black Caucus are calling for Rep. Epps to put aside her personal agendas and focus on the pressing issues at hand.

And just as a reminder, Colorado lawmakers have been called back to the Capitol to fix the state’s property tax mess -- that they created. While Epps and Democrats rant about a serious concern many miles away, millions of homeowners in Colorado face uncertainty about their extremely high out of control tax bills.

In a perplexing turn of events, Rep. Elisabeth Epps, D-Denver took to the well of the Colorado House on Sunday evening and delivered a bizarre and emotional speech that left fellow lawmakers and voters scratching their heads.

The special session, called to fix a property tax issue, quickly became a platform for Epps to speak on a range of unrelated topics, from feeding Palestinian children in Gaza to President Biden, to the United Nations, to Colorado’s SNAP program, to her mother, to being of the right side of history.

The session was called by Governor Polis, and while the intent was to address a specific issue, it quickly became apparent that Epps had a different agenda in mind. In her tearful and rambling speech, she continued to veer off course. The Denver abolitionist becoming lucent when reciting procedural rules to miniplate the chair or process.

Rep. Elisabeth Epps flipping Colorado’s property tax special session into a pro-Palestinian platform agenda.

If you want a snapshot into the minds of the Denver progressives, and why Colorado is faltering, watch Rep. Epps spin out of control in the well of the Colorado House.

Epps' actions have also sparked concern among many about the direction of the state and the representation of its people. She is not alone in her extreme ideological agenda and a growing number believe it is time for the majority of Coloradans to decide when enough is enough.

The special session, which was meant to be a simple fix to a property tax issue, instead became a platform for misplaced and emotional outbursts by the far left. It is a troubling sign for the state of Colorado when elected officials prioritize their personal agendas over the needs of their constituents.


The question now remains, will the majority of Colorado voters take notice and demand better representation from their legislators? Or will they continue to allow the radical minority to steer the state in a direction that does not align with the wishes of the majority?

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