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West Point's Betrayal: The Erosion of "Duty, Honor, Country" in the Wake of Woke Culture

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Opinion: T. Cohen

As a former graduate of West Point and a retired U.S. Army officer, I am deeply disturbed by the recent removal of the words "Duty, Honor, Country" from the academy's mission statement.

This tragic decision is a clear indication of the liberal 'woke' culture that is spreading through academia, undermining the very values that have guided generations of West Point graduates in their service to our nation.

The three-word mission statement, etched in the hearts of countless West Point graduates, has been a driving force as they dedicated their lives to their country, even willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.

" Duty, Honor, Country" encapsulates the timeless imperatives that have bound our officer corps together, instilling a sense of purpose and commitment to the defense of our nation.

However, West Point's superintendent, Lt. Gen. Steve Gilland, defended the change, citing a year and a half of discussions and consultations with unidentified "external stakeholders." This decision was allegedly supported by Army Secretary Christine Wormuth and Army Chief of Staff Gen. Randy George, both of whom have ties to institutions and initiatives that promote “diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

The difference in language is not subtle nor insignificant.

The words " Duty, Honor, Country" hold profound meaning, emphasizing the noble duty and honorable defense of our nation. Yet, proponents of woke ideology reject these concepts, viewing them as undesirable remnants of a supposedly racist and oppressive culture. They fail to recognize the value of a country founded on these principles and disregard the sacrifices made to protect it.

Shocking statistics further highlight the erosion of these principles. A Quinnipiac poll revealed that 52% of Democrats would choose to leave the country rather than fight against a military invasion. This disturbing lack of commitment and loyalty is reflective of a society that no longer values the ideals embodied by "Duty, Honor, Country."

Furthermore, the introduction of critical race theory (CRT) and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) instruction at West Point undermines the core principles that have shaped our military leaders.

Testimony from Gen. Mark Milley, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, showcased his focus on "white rage" and objections to doubts about West Point teaching CRT. These ideologies reduce conflicts to race-based dichotomies and sow division rather than fostering unity and a shared sense of purpose.

In 1962, Gen. Douglas MacArthur addressed West Point cadets, inspiring generations with his words: " Duty, Honor, Country: Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be." He warned of the skeptics who would attempt to undermine these values through mockery and ridicule, labeling them as pedants, demagogues, cynics, and troublemakers.


Today, we witness the fulfillment of MacArthur’s prophetic words.

The removal of "Duty, Honor, Country" from West Point's mission statement is a betrayal of the principles that have guided our military leaders for over a century. It is a testament to the dangerous influence of woke culture and the erosion of the values that make our nation strong.

As a retired Army officer and a proud West Point graduate, I stand firmly against this assault on our cherished traditions and call for a return to the principles that have made our military the greatest in the world.

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