Trump Defenders Say ‘A Lot’ in Former President’s Colorado Trial

On day four of the ongoing Denver hearing, the defense team for former President Donald Trump came out swinging, calling on a series of witnesses who firmly testified that Trump did not incite the events of January 6th at the U.S. Capitol.

The plaintiffs' attorneys attempted to paint Trump as a dangerous insurrectionist who posed a threat to the country, but their case was quickly dismantled by the credible and passionate testimony of Trump allies and former advisors.

Witnesses such as pro-Trump activist Amy Kremer and Republican Party treasurer Tom Bjorklund vehemently denied any claims of insurrection or incitement from Trump's speech on January 6th. They testified that the events of that day were peaceful and full of excitement for the former president, with no signs of anger or violence.

Kremer, who was present at the Ellipse during Trump's speech, even went as far as to say that the crowd was "happy" and "joyful." She also reiterated that their fight was not to overthrow the government, but to have the evidence of election fraud heard.

But when pressed by the plaintiffs' attorneys about her belief in conspiracy theories and her comments about former Vice President Mike Pence's involvement in a "coup," Kremer stood by her remarks and continued to support Trump's claims of fraud in the 2020 election.

This unwavering support for Trump and his rhetoric was also seen in Tom Bjorklund, who dismissed any possibility of an insurrection and instead blamed any violence on Antifa and Black Lives Matter activists.

The defense team also called on witnesses such as former Trump communications advisor Katrina Pierson and Kash Patel, former chief of staff to acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller, who both denied any incitement or wrongdoing by Trump.

Despite these strong testimonies, the plaintiffs' attorneys continued to push their narrative, questioning the witnesses about their beliefs in the "deep state" and a conspiracy to overthrow the government.


The plaintiffs often seem to be reaching, trying to paint Trump and his supporters as dangerous insurrectionists. However, the strong testimony from the defense team's witnesses, who were present at the events of January 6th, shows that there was no intent or incitement from Trump.

As the trial concludes on Friday, it is clear that the defense has a strong case and that this trial was nothing more than a political attack on a former president.


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