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This Veterans Day let us remember those who have served and honor those who are currently serving our great country.

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Today, as we gather to honor and celebrate our veterans, I can’t get the words of President Ronald Reagan out of my head, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."

These words hold a powerful truth that we must never forget. Our freedom was not inherited, it was fought for and defended by the brave men and women of our armed forces. They have sacrificed their lives, time, and comfort to ensure that we continue to live in a free and prosperous nation.

And for this, we owe them a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid.

But today, I want to talk about a new generation of American heroes – the tens of thousands of young men and women who will follow in the footsteps of our veterans and will next join the military to serve their grateful nation.

These brave individuals, our sons and daughters, will continue to make the world safer and ensure that their children will be freer than even we were and have every opportunity available to them.

It takes a special kind of courage and selflessness to choose a life of service, to put the needs of your country before your own. And I am proud to say that our young generation has it in abundance. Despite what you may have heard, they are motivated, determined, and ready to answer the call of duty.

They understand that serving in the military is not only about defending our nation from external threats, but also about upholding the values and principles that our country was built upon. These values – freedom, justice, and equality – are the very foundation of our nation, and it is the duty of our next generation to protect and preserve them.

I had the honor this last weekend to spend time with that next generation. Kids that have said they believe enough in this country to put themselves on the line to maintain freedom in America. My son Spencer and 5 of his fellow West Point cadets came to our home for the annual tradition of the Army versus Air Force football game.

Spencer Lynch, back in August, his first month at West Point and his mother and my first time to see him in full pack.

Spending time with these intelligent kids, that could have gone to any college in the country yet chose to attend the United States Military Academy. This is not your typical college environment, but one where you are reminded daily of the sacrifices of those who came before you.

Today, I want to honor all the sons and daughters who have answered the call of duty and serve our country with honor and bravery. For them, the decision to serve was not a simple one. It required true patriotism and a deep sense of duty.

My son Spence has just begun his first year at West Point where he and his fellow cadets are being formed into the brave men and women equipped with the leadership skills to take fellow Americans into the horrific situations of war.

This is not an instant transformation, but one that will take four years of trials, tribulations, and challenges beyond what any other institution in the world could provide. They will come out, as the past 200 years of graduates have, prepared to ensure America remains the dominate voice of freedom around the world.

A much younger Mike Lynch at West Point, forming the man that I would become.

As we honor our veterans, lets also remember that this is not just a day to thank them, but also a day to pledge our support and commitment to them. Let’s continue to fight for their rights, healthcare, and overall well-being. Let’s ensure that their sacrifices are never forgotten and that they are always taken care of as they have taken care of us.

So today, as we wave our flags and sing our national anthem, let’s also remember that our veterans are the true heroes of our nation. And as President Reagan said, "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free."

God bless our great country and all those Americans that have served to defend her!

Rep. Mike Lynch

Colorado House Minority Leader

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