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The Weaponization of a Former Trump Ally

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Former Trump Attorney Jenna Ellis may become a star witness for prosecutors against the former president’s political ambitions, after she pled guilty to a felony count of aiding and abetting false statements in the Fulton County, Georgia election case.

This possibility has caused concern for Trump’s legal team as they fear the impact that Ellis’ testimony could have.

Former President Donald Trump with attorney Jenna Ellis.

Ellis, who was a vocal advocate for the effort to overturn the 2020 election, recently admitted that the allegations of election fraud she peddled were false. This is significant as she was closely associated with Trump and was a regular presence by his side during his rallies and speeches.

During her plea hearing, Ellis expressed her remorse for her actions and her deep regret for not doing her due diligence as a lawyer. This adds weight to her testimony and makes her a compelling guide to the alleged misconduct of Trump and his co-conspirators.

"If I knew then what I know now, I would have declined to represent Donald Trump in these post-election challenges," former Trump legal adviser Jenna Ellis.

Furthermore, as some of the proceedings will be televised, her testimony also has the potential to sway public opinion. This is bad news for her former co-defendants, particularly Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump. Ellis’ guilty plea directly implicates them and puts a dent in Trump’s defense that he won the election.

Moreover, Ellis’ promise of full cooperation with prosecutors sets her apart from the other lawyers who have pleaded guilty in the case. This means she is willing to provide evidence, testimony, and assist in any way necessary. Her cooperation could also potentially have an impact on the federal case against Trump led by special counsel Jack Smith.

The political implications of Ellis’ guilty plea cannot be ignored.

As the 2024 election approaches, her testimony could have a significant impact on Trump’s political ambitions. It could also serve as a turning point in the court of public opinion, as more and more people become aware of the falsehoods that were spread by Trump and his supporters.


In light of Ellis’ recent guilty plea, Trump's defense team may face new challenges and will have to reconsider their reliance on a defense of “advice from counsel”. With more and more evidence mounting against Trump, it may become more difficult for him to deny his involvement in the alleged election fraud.

Now the Trump’s Colorado court case has begun, it is expected that Ellis and other witnesses will play a crucial role for the prosecution. And while Trump may try to delay or postpone it extremely likely that former allies like Jenna Ellis will play a pivotal role.

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