The Californacation of Colorado’s Roadways Continues

Colorado, the state that used to be known for its independent spirit and rugged individualism, is now bowing down to the almighty power of larger vehicles in roundabouts.

Starting on October 1st, a new law will give the right-of-way in roundabouts to trucks, buses, emergency vehicles, and recreational vehicles longer than 35 feet or wider than 10 feet. Because clearly, what we need are more privileges for the already massive vehicles that clog up our roads.

And what about us regular folks driving normal vehicles? Well, if you have the audacity to enter, exit, or even drive in a roundabout at the same time as one of these behemoths, you'd better get ready to yield. Because who needs efficient traffic flow when we can just let giant vehicles have their way?

Oh, and don't worry, it gets better. If you're already in a roundabout or just approaching one and a larger vehicle is only approaching, you're off the hook! You don't have to yield. Because why make it simple and consistent when we can add layers of confusion and complexity?

And let's not forget the consequences for disobeying this new law. You could face a Class A traffic infraction and a whopping fine of up to $70, with an additional $11 surcharge.

Surcharge? Huh?

And what happened to the governor and the greenies prioritizing, at every turn, smaller, more fuel-efficient vehicles? Just not in circling driving patterns?

So, Colorado, get ready for the Californification of our roadways to reach new heights. Starting October 1st, size will apparently matter, at least in a Colorado roundabout.


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