Taxpayers Foot Unprecedented Cost to Protect Colorado's Vocal Anti-Trump Secretary of State

Written by: Howard Beale

Democratic Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold has become the center of attention due to her unnecessary and costly rhetoric that goes beyond the scope of her job.

Griswold, who spearheaded the failed attempt to block former President Donald Trump from Colorado's primary ballot, citing his involvement in the January 6th Capitol riot, has seen a sharp increase in threats against her. As a result, the cost of keeping her safe has skyrocketed, placing an unprecedented burden on Colorado taxpayers.

Since Colorado residents first sued the state to prevent Trump from appearing on the ballot, with Griswold serving as a co-defendant, the number of serious threats directed at her has surged by over 600 percent, according to her office. These threats reached their peak during the high-profile court case aimed at blocking Trump from the ballot under the 14th Amendment. However, the U.S. Supreme Court ultimately rejected this effort earlier this month.

The nature of the threats against Griswold are deeply disturbing and indicative of the increasingly angry discourse in American politics. She reports receiving emails and voicemails containing horrific messages, such as "We are coming for you bitch" and "I hope your kids get murdered by illegal aliens."

These threats have understandably left Griswold in fear for her safety and the well-being of her family.

While Griswold says that two individuals who threatened her have been prosecuted, she questions why more cases have not been pursued by the Department of Justice. She believes that every prominent secretary of state who stood up against Trump's alleged attempt to steal the election has faced similar threats.

Griswold's office has documented a total of 788 “serious threats,” highlighting the constant stream of violent and often “gendered abuse” she has endured since September.

The bar for classifying these messages as criminal offenses can be quite high, given the broad protection afforded by the First Amendment. Griswold argues that there has been a failure to adequately protect secretaries of state and election officials who are “on the front lines of protecting democracy.”

Griswold also emphasizes the need for stronger prosecution of individuals attempting to intimidate public officials out of their jobs.


The cost of providing security for Griswold is unprecedented among Colorado public officials. In fact, it currently exceeds the cost of Governor Polis' security detail. This financial burden falls squarely on the shoulders of Colorado taxpayers, who are forced to pay for the consequences of Griswold's divisive and unnecessary rhetoric.

As the nation approaches the 2024 presidential race, the climate of increasingly violent discourse in American politics must be addressed. While both sides of the political spectrum bear responsibility for the heated rhetoric, the left often attempts to deny its own role in contributing to the toxic environment.

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