Seizing voters’ power to elect nominees is the death knell for the Colorado GOP

By all appearances the Republicans now in charge of the Colorado party have given up on trying to win elections or grow the party and just want to centralize their own power and play pretend kingmakers.

How else to explain the determination of Chairman Dave Williams and his followers to rig party rules and seize power over the state central committee to dictate who can and cannot be a Republican Party candidate in Colorado?

At the party’s next state meeting on Sept. 30, Williams and his crew will use a convoluted set of rules to kill the party primary process and block voters from choosing who will take on the Democrats in future General Elections.

Instead, the Williams crew wants to consolidate that power to a favored majority of the central committee to select our candidates for us.

Click here to read more.


Xcel Energy proposes $15 billion plan to add renewable energy to its system


More than 18,400 migrants have come to Denver since Christmas. 6,739 of them were bused to other cities.