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Rogue Cow Escapes, Arapahoe County Sheriff Gives Chase

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In a scene straight out of a John Wayne movie, the Arapahoe County Sheriff's deputies found themselves in a wild showdown with a rogue cow on Sunday morning. The residents of the quiet suburb of Englewood were minding their own business when the bovine bandit made its grand entrance into their neighborhood.

With hooves pattering down the pavement and a determined look in its big, brown eyes, this runaway heifer was not going to go down without a fight.

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The sheriff's office took to social media to warn the community of the impending chaos and shared a video of the wild chase.

The clip showed the cow dodging cars and mailboxes with a skill that would make any professional bull-rider green with envy. (FACEBOOK)

These deputies were not going to let this cow get the better of them. They had a real beef with the bovine and were determined to bring peace back to the streets of Englewood. Along with the cow's frantic owner and a few good ol' cowboys, they set out on a mission to wrangle the runaway animal.

"The steaks were high and we didn't want to butcher this slow-speed chase but this cow was moooooving," the sheriff's office quipped in their post.

Residents of the neighborhood watched in amazement as the cow and its pursuers weaved through quiet streets and front yards. Some even took out their cameras to capture this unusual event. One resident, who asked to remain anonymous, reported that she saw the cow knock over a birdhouse and munch on some flowers before continuing its mad dash.

After an intense game of cat and mouse (or should we say cowboy and cow?) the cow's free run finally came to an end. The brave deputies managed to corner the bovine in a small park and quickly loaded it back into its trailer. The cheers of the crowd could be heard for miles, as the cow's owner thanked the quick-thinking deputies for saving the day.

In a statement released by the sheriff's office, they said, "Holy cow! You all did an udderly good job. Now let's milk this for all it's worth."

It seems like even in the midst of chaos, the Arapahoe County Sheriff's deputies know how to have a good laugh.

 As for the runaway cow, it is back safely in its pasture, presumably enjoying some well-deserved hay and a good ol' cow nap. And the residents of Englewood can go back to their peaceful suburban lives, with just a wild cow chase to talk about at the next neighborhood cookout. Yee-haw!

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