Republican congressman George Santos has been accused of defrauding one of his own colleagues and his mother.

Hours ahead of the vote to expel George Santos from Congress, a fellow Republican congressman accused Santos of personally defrauding him and his mother.

Rep. Max Miller, R-Ohio, released a letter to his colleagues that detailed how he and his mother were charged for contribution amounts that exceeded FEC limits without their knowledge or approval.

This revelation came just before the House voted to expel Santos from Congress by an overwhelming bipartisan vote of 311-114.

Miller stated that he has spent "tens of thousands of dollars" in legal fees due to the situation and that a list of 400 people, including other Republican House members, were also over-charged by Santos. However, Santos' office has not yet responded to requests for comment on the matter.

Rep. Max Miller (R-OH): “I myself have been a victim of George Santos … You, sir, are a crook.” (VIDEO: C-SPAN)

As the two men traded barbs on the House floor, Miller directly accused Santos of being a "crook" while Santos referred to a past accusation against Miller made by his former girlfriend, Stephanie Grisham.

Despite all members of House Republican leadership announcing their support for Santos, the overwhelming bipartisan vote against him has ended his time in Congress.

Miller explained his decision to vote in favor of the expulsion resolution, stating that his personal experience with the allegations and findings of the Ethics Committee compelled him to do so.

Santos has been charged with multiple federal counts, including identity theft and misuse of campaign funds. He has denied any wrongdoing and is scheduled to go to trial in September.

Two former Santos campaign staffers have already entered guilty pleas and are cooperating with prosecutors.


Among the allegations is that Santos listed fake personal loans on required disclosures to qualify for additional funding from the Republican National Committee. He is also accused of using credit card information obtained through his campaign to make unauthorized charges.


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