Republican Congressman Clashes with Fellow Party Members Over January 6th Capitol Attack Treatment

Ken Buck, a Republican congressman from Windsor, has been vehemently refuting “false claims” made by fellow Republicans regarding the treatment of defendants involved in the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. As a former chairman of the Colorado GOP and serving his fifth term, Buck has taken a firm stand to, as he calls it, “setting the record straight.”

In response to a letter circulated by some state Republicans last month, Buck has provided a point-by-point response, hoping to ensure factual accuracy and challenging misconceptions. He has not shied away from delivering a stern rebuke to a nationally prominent GOP lawmaker, displaying his commitment to addressing the issues that he believes truly matter to voters.

Buck emphasizes the importance of focusing on pressing matters like inflation, border security, and crime during the current election cycle. Distractions from these crucial topics are counterproductive to the Republican Party's goal of winning elections. Buck aims to stay grounded in factual discussions and avoid unnecessary arguments.

The letter in question was written by Todd Watkins, the Vice Chairman of the El Paso County GOP. Dated August 21, it claims that numerous Americans have been mistreated and abused by the legal system, regardless of their opinions on Donald Trump or the events of January 6. Watkins makes unfounded assertions, including the denial of legal counsel and due process rights for "hundreds" of Jan. 6 defendants. Furthermore, he alleges violations of constitutional rights guaranteed by several amendments.

Buck thoroughly refuted each of the claims made by Watkins. He clarified that no defendants have been jailed while awaiting charges, and the majority of those still in custody have been charged with assaulting law enforcement officers, a felony offense. While acknowledging subpar conditions in the DC jail, Buck stated that there is no evidence to suggest that Jan. 6 defendants have been treated unfairly compared to other inmates.

Buck concludes his response by providing clarity on the current status of pre-trial detainees involved in the ongoing January 6th prosecutions. He emphasizes the inappropriateness of singling out these defendants based on their political views and expresses his disappointment that Republican leaders are diverting crucial energy and resources of activists while the country faces numerous crises resulting from the Biden administration's policies.

Following Buck's response, Anna Ferguson, Secretary of the Colorado GOP, shared the letter as a "Call to Action" with the state party's email list. Those in agreement were asked to sign their names. Initial signers included Vickie Tonkins, Chairwoman of the El Paso GOP, as well as Colorado Springs Republicans Scott Bottoms and Ken DeGraaf. In a Facebook post on September 4, Marie Watkins, Todd Watkins' wife, revealed that over 250 Republicans had already signed the letter.


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