Radical and Reckless Climate Activist Vandalize U.S. Constitution at National Archives

The National Archives, a symbol of American history and democracy, was forced to close its doors to the public early on Wednesday due to vandalism. Two individuals dumped red powder onto the case that houses the U.S. Constitution, an act that has been condemned by educators, officials, citizens, and countless visitors to the archives.

Security immediately detained the mindless activists after the incident, which occurred around 2:30 p.m., leading to the closure of the Rotunda and galleries.

The National Archives released a statement acknowledging the incident and informing the public that an investigation is underway to determine the identity of the individuals, their motive, and the nature of the red powder.

Dr. Colleen Shogan, the Archivist of the United States, expressed her deep concern over the incident. She emphasized the significance of the National Archives Rotunda as a sanctuary for the nation's founding documents, which are meant to be accessible to all Americans to understand the principles that our nation was built upon.

She made it clear that such acts of vandalism are taken very seriously, and she vowed to ensure that the perpetrators are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


Despite the incident the National Archives building is expected to open as usual on Thursday morning, allowing visitors to once again view these important historical documents. The normal operating hours are from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., with the last admission allowed 30 minutes before closing.

The National Archives spokesperson stated that the status of the U.S. Constitution document itself remains unknown. It is unclear whether only the encasement was affected or if the document itself sustained any damage. The spokesperson also confirmed that the two individuals responsible for the vandalism have been arrested by the D.C. Police.


This act of vandalism against the U.S. Constitution at the National Archives is a clear indication of the radical and reckless nature of some individuals who claim to be climate activists. While their motive is still under investigation, it is evident that their actions disregard the sanctity and importance of our nation's founding documents.

The U.S. Constitution represents the very essence of American democracy, and any attempt to deface or damage it is an assault on our values and heritage.

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