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Presidential rival says former President Donald Trump deserves blame for rise in antisemitism

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In a Sunday interview with CNN's "State of the Union," former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie made controversial comments about former President Donald Trump, claiming that his "intolerant language and conduct" has fueled the increase in antisemitism in the United States.

Christie, who has previously criticized Trump for his handling of the pandemic and other issues, doubled down on his stance during the interview. He asserted that when a leader exhibits intolerance towards any group, it gives permission for others to do the same.

"Intolerance towards anyone encourages intolerance towards everyone," Christie said, blaming Trump for giving people a sense of "permission" to act in a bigoted manner.

The former governor's remarks come on the heels of a recent surge in antisemitism in the United States.

The Oct. 7 brutal terrorist attack on Israel by Hamas has further exacerbated the already concerning issue. According to reports, there have been sharp jumps in the number of antisemitic and anti-Muslim incidents in the country.

Christie also pointed out that Trump is not the only one responsible for the rise in hate.

The former governor called out university professors and presidents for being "unwilling to stand up to antisemitism on their campuses." He also urged governors in states where Jewish students are facing threats on college campuses to send state police forces to protect them.

When pressed about his previous comments regarding Trump's response to the pandemic, Christie clarified that his criticisms were not limited to the former president but included other leaders and institutions as well.

"I think that there have been a lot of people who contributed to it," Christie said. "I believe Donald Trump’s intolerant language and conduct gives others permission to act the same."


These remarks by a prominent Republican figure like Christie are sure to spark controversy and debate among conservatives. While some may see it as a betrayal of the party's leader, others may applaud Christie for speaking out against bigotry and intolerance.

Critics of Christie's comments may argue that the former governor is simply trying to distance himself from Trump and appeal to a more moderate audience. However, many will see him as a principled conservative who is not afraid to speak out against hate and division.

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