President Joe Biden's poll numbers keep getting worse

As the 2024 elections draw closer, President Joe Biden is facing increasingly worrisome poll numbers. The latest polls are painting a bleak picture for the Biden administration.

Since the start of November, the New York Times/Siena College polls have shown former President Donald Trump leading in four out of six swing states, a sharp contrast to previous polls showing Biden squeaking out a lead.

And it's not just a few outliers – a recent survey from 13 different pollsters has consistently shown Biden's position deteriorating, except for only two.

But it's not just Trump's resurgence that's causing trouble for Biden.

The president's support among key Democratic constituencies such as young voters is also slipping. In a stunning result, a recent NBC News poll showed Trump leading among voters under 35 years old, a constituency that has typically leaned towards the Democrats.

Some have speculated that this could be due to a polling bias, with liberal younger voters who are disillusioned with Biden and his administration. Others point to the difficulty in reaching younger voters over the phone as a possible factor.

Biden had only single-digit leads among voters 18-34 in polls this month from Morning Consult (Biden +2), Fox News (Biden +7) and Quinnipiac University (Biden +9). (Trump led Biden in all four polls among all voters.)

But regardless of the reason, one thing is clear: Biden's support among younger voters is waning.

Despite a three-month-long advertising campaign to boost his numbers, Biden's poll numbers continue to slide. And with more than a year until the next election, there's plenty of time for the situation to worsen.

His approval ratings have been on a steady decline since May, with even historically low numbers for a first-term president. Meanwhile, Trump's numbers have been on the rise, breaking above 46% for the first time in a year.

And it's not just the recent conflict in the Middle East that's to blame. Biden's approval ratings have been slipping for months now, and his handling of the situation in Afghanistan certainly didn't help. This downward trend is a cause for concern for the Biden administration, especially as the midterms approach.


Swing states are also starting to lean towards Trump, with the latest polls showing him ahead in states like Arizona and Michigan. Even states that Biden won in 2020, like Pennsylvania and Nevada, are showing a tight race between the two candidates.

Even when independent and third-party candidates are in play and added to the polling data, Trump's lead over Biden remains significant. And as the midterms get closer, the presence of these candidates could spell trouble for Biden's chances of making a coming out from being underwater.


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