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Polis' Electric Car Mandate Spells Disaster for Your Wallet

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In a shocking and potentially disastrous move, the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission has approved a plan that would require most new cars sold in the state to be electric or zero-emissions vehicles by 2032.

This move, pushed by Gov. Jared Polis’s administration, is nothing short of an unrealistic and unattainable goal that will have devastating effects on the state's economy and its residents.

Under this plan, starting in 2027, all new cars sold in Colorado must have electric options available. And by 2032, a staggering 82% of all new cars sold must be completely electric or produce zero emissions. This drastic rule will also be revisited in 2029 to consider extending the requirement to 2035. This is a clear indication that the state is not confident in its ability to meet this goal on time.

While the commission claims this move is necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, it fails to mention the devastating impact it will have on everyday Coloradans. With this rule in place, motorists will be forced to pay higher prices for electric vehicles, which are currently more expensive than gas-powered cars.

This also means that many hard-working individuals and families will no longer be able to afford a brand-new car, forcing them to continue driving older, less efficient vehicles. And for those who rely on their cars for work or transportation, this rule will only create extra financial burdens and stress.

Furthermore, the plan does not outlaw gas-powered cars, so residents will still have the option to purchase used cars or travel to other states to buy them.

This begs the question - what is the point of this rule if it can easily be bypassed? Clearly, this is just another attempt by Gov. Polis to push his radical environmental agenda, without any regard for the hard-working citizens of Colorado.

Paid for by Advance Colorado


Environmental groups are celebrating this decision as a step towards progress, but these so-called "green" initiatives often overlook the real impact on hard-working Americans. Not to mention, Colorado's severe ozone pollution problems are caused by a variety of sources, not just transportation. This rule unfairly targets car owners as the sole cause of pollution, while ignoring other major contributors such as industrial emissions.

Colorado's economy and its residents simply cannot bear the burden of this misguided and unrealistic goal. It's time for Gov. Polis to reconsider his radical environmental agenda and start focusing on the well-being of all Coloradans. We cannot afford to put the livelihoods of our citizens at risk for the sake of unattainable and unnecessary goals.

It's time to put the interests of the people first and stop playing political games with our state's future.

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