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Outrageous "Pet Tax" Bill Introduced in Colorado House By Democrats Raises Concerns

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In yet another attempt to nickel and dime hardworking Coloradans, Democrats have proposed a ridiculous new bill that would create a burdensome "Pet Animal Registration System."

Colorado House Bill 24-1163 aims to impose a tax of up to $8.50 on every pet in the state, including invertebrates, with the tax being payable annually.

Not only does this bill require pet owners to register their pets with the state, but it also mandates the assignment of a "designated caregiver" for each pet. Failure to name a caregiver would result in an annual cost of $25 per pet.

There is no limit or cap on the taxation, meaning that pet owners could potentially face exorbitant costs. This tax would be in addition to any local taxes, such as dog licenses, further burdening pet owners.

The absurdity of this proposal becomes evident when considering the implications for pet owners with a larger number of pets.

For instance, someone with 100 aquarium fish could end up paying $850 every year. And if they fail to register a designated caregiver, the cost for those 100 fish would skyrocket to $2,500 annually. Similarly, owning ten pet reptiles could result in an annual tax of $85 to $250.


Failing to register one's pets could lead to penalties of up to $100 per animal, which could quickly escalate into thousands of dollars for unsuspecting pet owners.

The proposed "online pet animal registration system" would be overseen by the Department of Agriculture, adding another costly bureaucratic layer to the state government. Critics argue that this bill, apart from generating revenue, fails to accomplish its stated goals of connecting pets with owners during emergencies and supporting animal shelters. Instead, it would burden pet owners who may struggle to afford the registration fees and resent the government's intrusion into their personal lives.

Furthermore, the bill does not provide any exemption for registered animal breeders/sellers under the Pet Animal Care and Facilities Act (PACFA) Program. This means that even animals in PACFA-registered facilities over six months old could be subject to the tax. However, the bill's definition of a "pet animal" suggests that animals sold or transferred for the purpose of being kept as household pets should not be included.

The only animals exempted from this tax are "livestock," including cows, horses, sheep, and others raised for food or fiber production. The bill claims that it aims to protect pet animals during emergencies and support animal shelters, but critics argue that it merely creates unnecessary government oversight and a new revenue stream.

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