OPED: California Offering Perks to Mexican Citizens Makes Us All less Safe

On Friday, Californian Gov. Gavin Newsom approved a new law that will allow low-income Mexican residents living near the border to pay in-state tuition rates when enrolling at certain community colleges. The law will be effective next year until 2029 and is aimed at helping those who frequently travel between Mexico and California for work or family visits.

The governor and the California Democrat led legislature believe the program will provide migrants with more opportunities for education and employment, as stated by Assemblymember David Alvarez, the author of the legislation.

The following is an anonymous op-ed rebuttal from a Colorado Elected official.

We should all be deeply concerned about the recent law signed by California Governor Gavin Newsom to provide additional perks for Mexican nationals to cross the U.S. border. This misguided action by the Biden administration makes us less safe in Colorado and undermines the very foundation of our immigration system.

Let's be clear - promoting open borders and providing special privileges for those who cross them illegally is a slap in the face to hardworking American citizens and legal immigrants who have followed the proper channels to come to this country. This new law will only further incentivize illegal border crossings and increase the burden on our already overwhelmed immigration system.

Under this legislation, low-income Mexican residents living near the border will now be eligible for in-state tuition rates at certain community colleges in Southern California. While this may seem like a noble gesture, it is a dangerous precedent that undermines the value of citizenship and legal immigration. It sends a message to the world that our laws are meaningless and crossing the border illegally comes with rewards instead of consequences.

Furthermore, this law ignores the very real and pressing issue of border security. We cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the trafficking of drugs, weapons, and human beings across our borders. By providing additional incentives for illegal border crossings, California is essentially turning a blind eye to these criminal activities and making our communities less safe.

But it's not just about security - it's also about fairness. Why should hardworking American citizens and legal immigrants have to pay higher tuition rates while those who break the law are given special treatment? It's a slap in the face to the American dream and the values that have made this country great.

Additionally, this law fails to address the root causes of illegal immigration. Rather than investing in programs and initiatives that will help improve the lives of our neighbors in Mexico, it simply encourages them to leave their homes and come to the United States.

This is not a sustainable solution for California, or the United States of America and it only perpetuates the cycle of poverty and desperation for those living near the border.

We should all be committed to upholding the rule of law and ensuring that our borders are secure.

I urge the Biden administration to reconsider this reckless policy and instead focus on finding comprehensive solutions that will benefit all Americans and promote legal immigration. It's time to put the safety and well-being of our citizens first, and that starts with securing our borders and enforcing our laws.



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