Nikki Haley Faces Attacks as Other Candidates Perceive Her as a Threat

In a display of the GOP's ongoing loyalty to former President Donald Trump, the fourth Republican presidential debate took a surprising turn as the candidates predominantly directed their attacks towards each other rather than criticizing Trump's absence. This focus on internal rivalries underscored the perception that former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley poses a threat to other candidates' chances of directly challenging Trump.

With just over a month remaining before the 2024 primary calendar commences, , the fourth Republican presidential debate highlighted the enduring hold that Trump maintains over the Republican Party.

While Trump was absent from the stage, his influence was palpable as the candidates hesitated to confront him directly, reflecting his popularity among many Republicans.

Vivek Ramaswamy takes on all three other candidates on the stage.

The debate, which aired on NewsNation, a lesser-known television network, may have limited impact on the race, especially given its timing in relation to Iowa's GOP caucuses on January 15. Nevertheless, Trump's dominance in national and early-state polls remains unchallenged.

Gov. Ron DeSantis goes after Nikki Haley over China.

Nikki Haley, who has been gaining more attention from donors and voters, found herself as the primary target of attacks throughout the debate.

DeSantis accused her of backing down from media criticism, while Ramaswamy suggested she was too closely aligned with corporate interests. The rivalry between DeSantis and Haley was evident as they clashed over China, a long-standing concern for conservatives.

Former Governor Chris Christie tells Vivek Ramaswamy to shut up.

Haley credited Trump for his tough stance on trade with Beijing but criticized him for passivity in other areas, such as allowing China to acquire American technology and farmland.

Interrupting Haley, DeSantis accused her of permitting Chinese investment in South Carolina during her tenure as governor and insinuated that her corporate donors would prevent her from taking a tough stance on China. Haley, in response, retaliated by pointing out that Wall Street donors who previously supported DeSantis now support her. She also accused DeSantis of being soft on Chinese investment in Florida.

Ramaswamy, known for his willingness to deliver personal attacks, took the opportunity to target Haley once again during a foreign policy discussion. He challenged her knowledge of Ukraine and mocked her understanding of the country.

Moderator Megan Kelly calls out former Governor Chris Christie.

However, Christie intervened, acknowledging Haley's intelligence and accomplishments while dismissing Ramaswamy as "the most obnoxious blowhard in America."


The absence of Trump from the debate altered the atmosphere, lacking the usual excitement associated with such events.

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie emerged as the lone candidate willing to challenge Trump directly. Throughout the debate, Christie repeatedly criticized Trump's conduct and challenged Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to state whether he believed Trump was fit or unfit to be president again.

Despite facing boos from the crowd at the University of Alabama, Christie adamantly asserted, "There is no bigger issue in this race than Donald Trump."


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