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New Trump AD Blasts Biden's "Mindless Drones”

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Former President Donald Trump has released a new campaign commercial that has garnered widespread attention on his recently launched social media platform, Truth Social. The ad, which takes a satirical look at Joe Biden's presidency, has been causing a stir as it portrays the current leader as a puppet master who has brainwashed the American people.

In the ad, Trump is seen coming to the rescue of American workers, who are depicted as mindless drones under the tyranny of Biden's presidency. The commercial shows a group of voters being instructed to ignore any footage of Biden's stumbles and falls, which have raised questions about his fitness for office.

The Republican frontrunner highlights recent polls that show him with a 10-point lead over Biden, and claims that incomes have fallen for a third straight year. This, he suggests, is a result of Biden's policies and the fact that he is controlled by the Democrats, led by Hillary Clinton.

The ad targets Clinton's recent comments where she called Trump's supporters a cult and suggested there needs to be a "formal deprogramming" of them. It portrays Clinton as the president's cheerleader-in-chief, brainwashing the American workers with her message that Biden is doing an "amazing job."

The commercial takes a dystopian approach, showing a workplace where workers are being monitored and controlled by the Biden administration. Posters with slogans like "Woke is no joke" and "Joe cares about you!!" are seen hanging on the walls, as Clinton's speech from the 2016 campaign, where she referred to Trump's supporters as a "basket of deplorables," is played in the background.

But the ad takes a turn when a woman, holding a Donald Trump poster, runs to the front of the line and shows footage of the former president delivering his message. Suddenly, the mindless workers start nodding in agreement as Trump promises to have their backs. The ad ends with Trump's message of hope and a reminder of his growing lead in the latest polls.

According to a recent HarrisX/Harris poll, Trump maintains a lead over Biden at 46 percent to 41 percent. The same survey also suggests that if Trump were to run as an independent candidate, he would receive 39 percent of the votes, Biden 33 percent, and Robert Kennedy 19 percent.

The ad, which also highlights Trump's lead over other potential Republican candidates, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, is a clear indication that he is gearing up for a potential run in 2024. And with the support of his loyal followers, it seems Trump is not going away anytime soon.

As the midterm elections near, this new campaign commercial serves as a reminder that Trump is still a force to be reckoned with in the political arena. And with his clever use of satire and powerful messaging, he is continuing to shape the narrative of the American people and their perception of the current administration.


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