More State Parks in Colorado Consider Implementing Wakeless Tuesdays

Paonia State Park, along with Highline State Park, is considering banning motorized boats one day a week, starting as early as May 1, 2024.

The proposed plan would see the boat ramp at Paonia State Park closed to motorized vessels every Tuesday, allowing for more opportunities for kayakers, paddleboarders and canoers to enjoy the vast waters. This trend has already been seen at Highline State Park, which also implemented Wakeless Wednesdays in 2021.

According to Jed Potter, senior ranger with CPW, this policy would also allow the agency to focus on other activities in the park while increasing the overall user experience. Scott Rist, the park manager, added that the goal is to provide a safer environment for non-motorized boaters while they enjoy the open waters.

The idea behind going “wakeless” on Tuesdays is supported by statistics from CPW, which reported that only two or fewer motorized boats were launched on 92% of Tuesdays in the last three years at Paonia State Park.

Exceptions to the Tuesday closures would only be made for holidays like the Fourth of July.

The success of Wakeless Wednesdays at Highline State Park is evident, as it has become the busiest day of the year, according to The Daily Sentinel newspaper in Grand Junction. This is a positive indication that the proposed idea could also have a significant impact at Paonia State Park.

CPW is currently seeking public feedback on this potential policy change and encourages individuals to email their thoughts to by November 25.

Located 17 miles northeast of Paonia in Gunnison County, the 1,523-acre state park is a beloved spot for campers and wildlife watchers alike.


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