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Report: Abolitionist Anti-Police Rep. Hernandez Asks For Protection

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Following a shocking display of moral bankruptcy, State Rep. Tim Hernandez (D-Denver) has made headlines once again with his unforgivable excuse-making and refusal to condemn the brutal attacks on innocent Israelis by Hamas militants.

Reports have now emerged that he has requested police protection despite being an outspoken advocate for defunding and abolishing the police.

How can Coloradans trust a lawmaker who is so blatantly hypocritical and callous towards human suffering? Rep. Hernandez's attendance at a rally that supports a terrorist organization responsible for the deaths of hundreds of civilians is not only morally reprehensible but shows a complete disregard for his role as a leader in our community.

Tim Hernandez Confronted for Support of Hamas Terror Acts

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When asked about Hamas' execution of Israeli citizens and other atrocities, newly appointed Rep. Tim Hernandez asked, "what about it?" (@TheLobby-Co)

His flimsy excuse of attending the rally to support the "Colorado Palestinian community" is an insult to the intelligence of his constituents. Is he implying that the Colorado Palestinian community supports the brutal murders of innocent civilians? And his half-hearted attempt to backpedal and claim he was not supporting Hamas is nothing but empty rhetoric.

Hernandez’ past social media activity speaks volumes about his true beliefs, as he "liked" posts supporting the attack on Israel as an act of resistance.

With his fist raised in defiance and his other hand on a stack of unidentified manifestos, Tim Hernández was sworn in as the newest radical socialist lawmaker to serve in the Colorado state House. (Twitter)

It is a disgrace that a lawmaker, who has been entrusted with the responsibility of representing his community, cannot find the moral courage to unequivocally condemn violence and terrorism. While his Republicans call for his resignation, some Democrats have also joined in the criticism. It is telling when even his own party members are ashamed of his actions.

But perhaps the most disconcerting development is the fact that Rep. Hernandez, who has been vocal about defunding and abolishing the police, has now requested police protection. This is a slap in the face to all those who have fought for police reform and justice for all communities.

How can Rep. Hernandez demand protection from the very institution he wants to dismantle? It is a clear display of cowardice and shows his true priorities.

Hernández represent House District 4, which includes Northwest and West Denver. He beat out retired appellate judgse Cecelia Espenoza and former House District 50 state Rep. Rochelle Galindo. He was appointed by only 39 votes.

Rep. Hernandez's appointment to the House with just 39 votes is a mistake that Colorado cannot afford to continue. It is time for House leaders to take swift and decisive action against this disgraceful lawmaker. Coloradans deserve better than Rep. Tim Hernandez and his everchanging excuses.

It is time for this Marxist school teacher to take responsibility for his actions and step down from his position before he causes further harm to our community.


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