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Marxist Rep. Tim Hernandez Faces Criticism in ‘Re-Election’ Bid for Colorado House

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In a bizarre turn of events, Rep. Tim Hernandez, an openly Marxist and antisemitic House rep., is seeking ‘re-election’ to the Colorado House with the support of his socialist progressive Democrat allies.

It almost sounds like the set up to a bad joke… “A Marxist antisemite walks into the Colorado House with the support of his socialist progressive Democrats.”

Sadly, the only joke has been on the residents of House District 4, who are being ‘represented’ in the House by a self-proclaimed ‘revolutionary’ who was never elected but appointed by less than 30 Democrats who had nothing better to do on a Saturday night.

This appointment has left the constituents of House District 4 with a representative who does not truly reflect their values or interests.

Not only does Hernandez disrespect the chamber by dressing in a manner reminiscent of a "Chico and the Man" fanboy or someone on work release, but he also uses his platform in the People's House to shout pro-Hamas slogans and gaslight his fellow members with outrageous arguments. For instance, he has claimed that "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a socialist" while advocating for "Free Gaza!"

Rep. Tim Hernandez was not elected by voters. Hernandez was appointed by only two dozen Democrats on a vacancy committee several months ago. He faces an upcoming primary challenge for his seat.

Hernandez was appointed to his seat in November 2024 after Democratic state Rep. Serena Gonzales-Gutierre abandoned her position midterm to run for Denver City Council. This tactic of circumventing the voters through vacancy committees and appointing favored Democrats to expired terms is a concerning trend among the Democrats, effectively blocking Republicans from competing.

The Democrat Socialists of America recently announced their endorsement of Hernandez, praising his alleged frontline struggle against racism and gentrification.


Unsurprisingly, Hernandez proudly shared this endorsement on social media, expressing his pride in being associated with such a radical, out-of-touch organization. It is deeply troubling that he would also boast about his membership in an antisemitic hate group.

Hernandez now faces a challenger in the Democratic primary, Cecelia Espenoza, a retired appellate judge who was overlooked by the vacancy committee. The residents of House District 4 can only hope that Hernandez's time in office will be short-lived and that he will be swiftly shown the door before causing any further damage.

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