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Leftist Democrats Introduce Radical Bill to Strip Parental Rights in Colorado

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A small group of Denver Democrats, consisting of radical self-identified lesbians, social justice warriors, and an Uber driver, have taken it upon themselves to impose their extreme agenda on the parents of Colorado teens.

Their latest attempt comes in the form of House Bill 24-1039, which is making its way through the Colorado legislature and has left many groups across the country stunned.

If passed, this bill would mandate public and charter schools in Colorado to socially "transition" children who request to use a different name than their birth name. Introduced in January by radical Democratic Colorado state Rep. Stephanie Vigil, along with Democratic state Sens. Faith Winter and Janice Marchman, this legislation goes against the fundamental rights of parents and could potentially set a dangerous precedent.


Rep. Stephanie Vigil

Sen. Faith Winter

Sen. Janice Marchman

Under this bill, public schools and charter schools would be required to use a child's preferred name, labeling any refusal to do so as "discrimination." Additionally, the bill would establish a task force within the Colorado Department of Education to provide recommendations on how to implement "non-legal name changes" for children. Such a policy directly contradicts decisions made by the U.S. Supreme Court, which has consistently upheld parents' rights to raise their children and make important decisions regarding their education and health.

Despite the concerning implications of this bill, it could very well pass due to Democrats' supermajorities in both chambers of the Colorado legislature. This would make it the first of its kind to mandate "social transitions" at schools.

Democrats defended the bill, claiming that it clarifies the first amendment rights of Colorado students to have their chosen name used. However, the consequences of this policy extend far beyond the scope of individual rights.

Many schools across the country already require teaching staff to respect a child's gender transition and have policies in place to hide these transitions from parents. In fact, over 1,000 districts and more than 18,000 schools have implemented policies that suggest teachers use students' preferred names and gender identities, all while keeping parents in the dark.


This lack of parent involvement and notification not only undermines parental rights but also hinders free speech and religious beliefs of school employees who cannot in good conscience comply with such a bill.

These very similar battles are taking place in various states, with lawsuits challenging policies on both sides of the issue:

·     In California, two teachers sued their school district, arguing that a policy requiring them to hide transitions from parents was unconstitutional.

·     In New Jersey, a judge granted a preliminary injunction against school districts' policies that notify parents about gender transitions, deeming them potentially harmful to transgender students.

·     Democratic California Attorney General Rob Bonta has also filed a lawsuit against a school district, claiming that their policy violates the privacy rights of LGBTQ children.

A lack of understanding and reliance on co-opted doctors perpetuate a dangerous trend that undermines parental rights and disregards the well-being of children. It is crucial for parents and concerned citizens to stand up against this extreme agenda and protect the rights of families in Colorado and across the nation.

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