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La Plata County Republican Party Chair Refuses to Certify Election Results

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La Plata County Republican Party Chair Shelli Shaw refused to sign and certify the results of the November election during a meeting with Democratic and Republican canvass representatives Gregory Westerwick and Clerk and Recorder Tiffany Lee.

While Lee described the election as going "beautifully," Shaw's refusal to certify the results has raised concerns.

Shaw, who participated in the audit process known as a "risk limiting audit," raised objections to how Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold selected election races and ballots for audit validation.

During the audit, Shaw did not voice any concerns, but when it came time to certify the official election results, she refused to sign off. Her primary issue was with the Secretary of State auditing the pulled ballots instead of having Lee herself perform the audit.

Lee, however, disagreed with Shaw's stance, emphasizing the importance of maintaining transparency and avoiding potential skepticism. She expressed her belief that having the clerk select the ballots for audit could create doubts among the community. Lee stated that Shaw had been invited to witness the election process but never took the opportunity to visit the clerk's office.


This refusal to certify the election results is not an isolated incident.

According to Lee, Republican canvass representatives in five other Colorado counties also refused to certify the election results.

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