Ken Buck predicts another Trump impeachment if he’s convicted, then re-elected

He may not be running for re-election, but Rep. Ken Buck is as outspoken as ever, but you might be surprised at what this conservative firebrand is saying.

In a recent interview with CNN’s Katie Bolduan, Rep. Ken Buck issued a dire warning about what could happen if former President Donald Trump is convicted by the Senate and then reelected in 2024. Buck predicts that if Trump is convicted and then reelected, he could face yet another impeachment process.

Buck pointed out that impeachment requires a high crime or misdemeanor, and if Trump is a convicted felon when he shows up to Congress, it is likely he will face legitimate impeachment inquiries and motions. Buck also emphasized that the crimes Trump is being accused of are not unrelated to his presidency, but instead involve his actions both during and after his term in office. This, Buck argues, should be a cause for concern for all Americans.

“I think that is really a cause for concern,” Buck said on CNN. “If Donald Trump is a convicted felon, the day he shows up to Congress, you can imagine the impeachment, legitimate impeachment, inquiries and motions that are going to be made.”

Buck went on to predict that even if Trump wins reelection in 2024, some Republican senators may vote to convict him if he is convicted of any felonies. This would require a two-thirds majority in the Senate, which Buck believes is possible.

Trump has already been impeached twice but was not convicted by the Senate in either trial. However, Buck believes that if Trump faces a third impeachment trial as a sitting president, there is a real possibility he could be removed from office.

Buck also expressed concern for the future of the Republican Party, stating that he hopes voters are paying attention and act because he believes the party cannot do as much as the voters can.


While Buck has not yet endorsed another candidate for the Republican nomination, he did mention two potential candidates he holds in high regard: former Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Tim Scott.

Both of course have dropped out of the race, leaving only two potential candidates in Buck’s view: Governor Ron DeSantis and former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley.

Buck also questioned if Trump himself would even show up to a debate against his potential opponents, highlighting the unpredictability of a Trump presidency.


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