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Joe Biden's Political Strategy: Comparing Trump to Hitler Raises Concerns

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It’s become routine for the Joe Biden's campaign to compare republican rival Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. The Biden campaign has repeatedly drawn parallels between Trump's remarks and Hitler's, raising eyebrows from both opponents and supporters alike.

When Trump made controversial comments about undocumented immigrants "poisoning the blood of our country" during a rally this weekend, a Biden campaign aide immediately circulated the remarks to staffers. Within hours, the campaign released a statement attacking Trump for channeling Hitler, praising Kim Jong Un, and quoting Vladimir Putin while running for president.

This is the fourth time in the past six weeks that Biden's campaign has made such comparisons.

Some historians have tried to draw loose comparisons from Trump's recent comments about immigrants and his likening of political foes to "vermin" echo Hitler's words. Biden's aggressive posture against Trump highlights his commitment to defending democracy while also trying to persuade voters that he is best equipped to handle the economy.

This strategy is reminiscent of the successful approach Democrats used in the 2022 midterms and is rooted in Trump's response to the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville.

Michael Tyler, the Biden campaign's communications director, emphasized the need to call out Trump's rhetoric. He stated, "He's going to echo the rhetoric of Hitler and Mussolini, and we're going to make sure that people understand just how serious that is every single time." This approach was influenced by Biden's meeting with historians who highlighted the threats to democracy posed by Trump and his supporters.


However, this strategy can be risky. Some undecided voters may view the comparisons as an over-the-top escalation. Critics argue that likening Trump to Hitler undermines the gravity of Hitler's atrocities and diminishes the significance of the Holocaust.

The Biden campaign even launched a TV advertisement that compared Trump to Latin American strongmen like Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro. The ad suggests that Republicans, "like dictators, want to take things away" such as health insurance, rights, freedoms, and safety.

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