The Lobby

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Jewish Students Shelter in NY College Library as Demonstrators Pound on Doors, Shout ‘Free Palestine’

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A group of Jewish students at Cooper Union are demanding answers after they say they were locked in the campus library during a pro-Palestinian protest.

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Students who are pro-Israel say they felt unsafe as pro-Palestinian demonstrators banged and chanted outside the library, they were studying in. They say New York's Lisa Rozner school staff locked them in the library due to safety concerns.

According to the students, they were studying in the library when they heard loud chanting outside. As they looked out the window, they saw a group of pro-Palestinian protesters marching towards the library. Feeling scared and trapped, they attempted to leave the library, only to find the doors locked.

"We were terrified," one of the students, who wished to remain anonymous, told Fox News. "We could hear them chanting 'free Palestine' and banging on the doors. We didn't know what they were going to do."

Roughly 90 students participated in the protest in total, with the vast majority were there to support Palestine, police said. The pro-Palestinian protesters chanted as fewer than two dozen students supporting Israel remain silent, according to the account. About 20 of the students entered the school, remaining inside for nearly half an hour, before moving to the library. (TWITTER)

Reports indicate that it took the police nearly 40 minutes to respond to the incident, leaving the students feeling even more vulnerable. In a statement to the press, NYPD Chief of Patrol John Chell defended their response time, stating that they were asked by school officials to be present from "start to finish."

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No students were hurt or arrested, nor was any property damage reported. Students dispersed after the incident, cops said. There have been roughly 70,000 participants in more than 100 protests over the war in Israel over the last few weeks, police said. More than 230 of them have been arrested. (TWITTER)

However, videos shared on social media tell a different story. The footage shows the students huddled inside the library while the protesters bang on the doors and shout at them. Some of the students can be seen wearing traditional Jewish yarmulkes, adding to the intimidation and fear they must have felt.

Roughly 90 students participated in the protest, with the majority supporting Palestine. Police, who were present in plain clothes, described the protest as "orderly" despite videos showing otherwise. They also claim that the doors were not locked but simply closed at the request of school administrators.

Questions are now being raised about the university's response to the incident. Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine took to Twitter to express his outrage, demanding to know what Cooper Union was doing about the intimidation and harassment of Jewish students.

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The school has yet to release a statement regarding the incident. When contacted by the Daily News, they declined to comment.

This incident is just one of many that have occurred amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine. So far, over 70,000 people have participated in more than 100 protests across the country, with more than 230 arrests made.


As tensions continue to rise, it is crucial for universities and law enforcement to take action and ensure the safety and well-being of all students, regardless of their backgrounds or beliefs. The Jewish students at Cooper Union deserve answers and justice, and we will continue to follow this story as it develops. Stay tuned to Fox News for updates on this developing situation.

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