Husband dies beside his wife, as 'liters of blood' shoot out of his nose and mouth all over the interior of the plane

Passengers onboard a Lufthansa flight from Bangkok to Munich were left traumatized when a 63-year-old German man started coughing up ‘liters of blood’ before collapsing and dying mid-flight. The horrifying incident unfolded as the man, who had boarded the flight visibly ill, quickly deteriorated, causing panic among fellow passengers.

Eyewitnesses described the scene as absolute horror, with screams filling the cabin.

Martin Missfelder, a passenger from Zurich, Switzerland, recounted the harrowing experience, stating that the man had boarded the plane with cold sweats and was breathing rapidly. Concerned passengers rushed to help him, offering chamomile tea and checking his pulse.

Horrified air passengers screamed and were left ‘traumatized’ yesterday when a German husband started coughing up ‘liters of blood’ in front of his wife before collapsing and dying mid-flight. Passengers took pictures.

As the flight took off, the man's health rapidly declined. He began spitting into a bag when a sudden gush of blood erupted from his mouth and nose, splattering the walls of the Airbus A380 aircraft. The man's wife had initially informed the cabin crew that her husband was feeling unwell due to having to run to catch the plane at Bangkok airport.

Although a flight attendant expressed concern, the man was initially allowed to remain onboard. However, Karin, a nursing specialist who was sitting behind the couple with her husband, intervened and urgently requested a doctor. The pilot called for a doctor over the loudspeaker, and a 30-year-old Polish medic with limited English arrived to assess the man's condition.

Despite the medic indicating that the man seemed okay, he continued spitting blood into the bag provided by his wife.

As the flight progressed, his condition worsened, resulting in a terrifying gush of blood from his mouth and nose. Passengers were left in a state of shock as the man lost ‘liters of blood,’ with the cabin walls becoming stained.

A medical vehicle is pictured at the airport after a man died on a flight from Bangkok yesterday. Passengers took pictures.

Flight attendants sprang into action, attempting resuscitation for approximately 30 minutes, but sadly, they were unable to save the man's life. The plane had to return to Bangkok, with the captain announcing the tragic event over the loudspeaker. The aftermath of the incident was described as dead quiet onboard as the man's body was carried to the galley.

Upon landing back in Bangkok, passengers complained about a lack of guidance, as they were left waiting for two hours without any direction. The wife of the deceased man had to endure the formalities alone as she walked through customs, while the other passengers were rebooked on another flight via Hong Kong.


Passengers expressed their dissatisfaction, with Martin Missfelder stating that it was unacceptable for 30 traumatized passengers to be left waiting without proper assistance. He called for an apology to the group and the deceased man's wife. Reports indicate that passengers were offered a 10-franc voucher, although it remains unclear what the voucher was intended for.

Lufthansa confirmed the medical emergency on flight LH773 and expressed condolences to the relatives of the deceased passenger. The airline noted that immediate first aid measures were taken by the crew and a doctor onboard, but unfortunately, the passenger passed away during the flight.

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