Hunter Biden Sneaking into the White House

President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, was caught red handed sneaking into the White House after being spotted disembarking from Marine One Tuesday morning.

Fox News White House Correspondent Peter Doocy noticed Hunter exiting his father's helicopter, despite not being included on the list of passengers provided to the press.

When Marine One took off, the White House stated that President Biden was accompanied by three staffers: Deputy Chief of Staff Jen O'Malley Dillon, Oval Office Operations Director Annie Tomasini, and senior adviser Anthony Bernal. Hunter Biden was not listed among them.

The White House has defended its decision to exclude Hunter Biden from the passenger manifestos of Air Force One and Marine One.

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre emphasized that it is not customary to provide a list of family members traveling with the president. Jean-Pierre stated, "The family gets to travel with the president, and that's been the case with every other president. And so it's not something that we've done or we would be doing moving forward."

Jean-Pierre dismissed speculation that the White House was hiding Hunter Biden and asserted that it was not a misuse of taxpayers' money. The Biden family had traveled to Delaware to mark the anniversary of a tragic car crash that took the life of Joe Biden's first wife and Hunter's mother, Neilia Biden.

Regarding Hunter's legal entanglements, Jean-Pierre redirected reporters to Hunter's attorneys for answers. She reiterated that President Biden loves his son and emphasized the somber nature of the recent anniversary the family was recognizing.


Hunter Biden's defiance of a congressional subpoena to be deposed behind closed doors by the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees has further fueled controversy. Instead, he insisted on appearing in a public setting. Hunter has faced criticism over his foreign business dealings, with House Republicans attempting to launch an impeachment inquiry into his father based on these allegations.

Conservative political consultant Chuck Callesto shared the report on social media, claiming that Biden was caught trying to sneak Hunter into DC on Marine One transport.


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