The Lobby

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How To Talk to Your Kids About Bad Behaving Legislators

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It's that time again, little ones, to settle down for the night. Snuggle under your covers and prepare for a tale that will send you off to dreamland in no time. But before we begin our story, let's take a moment to reflect on the world outside our cozy home, a world that is full of chaos and controversy.

You see, just this week, there was a great commotion in the Capitol building involving a United States Congressman. He engaged in a heated argument with an activist over the topic of Israel. And to make matters worse, he even resorted to using uncivil language.

Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) got in a heated exchange with an activist over Israel — and his holding of a baby — on Friday in one of the House office buildings near the Capitol that ended with him walking away while cursing and calling the activist “scum.” BEWARE: Questionable language for the questionable congressman.

But fear not, my little ones, for the story we are about to read is far from such unruly behavior. In fact, it may even bring a smile to your face as we journey far from Colorado, where a different kind of madness has captured the attention of many during the previous week.

You of course remember the newly appointed Marxist to Colorado’s House Representative named Tim Hernandez, who has been the subject of much criticism and calls for his removal. Yet unlike the Congressman in Washington.

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Tim Hernandez Confronted for Support of Hamas Terror Acts

Marxist Rep. Tim Hernández attending a rally supporting Palestinians/Hamas at an event on the West Steps of the Colorado State Capitol. When asked about Hamas' execution of Israeli citizens and other atrocities, newly appointed Rep. Tim Hernandez asked, "what about it?"

So let us turn to our story now, where we will find that even in the midst of chaos and controversy, there will remain a glimmer of hope for civility. And perhaps, by the end of our tale, your mind will be at ease and your dreams will be filled with more peaceful thoughts.

Now, close your eyes and let your imagination take over as we embark on this bedtime adventure. And always remember, my dear little ones, that no matter what may be happening in the outside world, here in our home, love and kindness reign supreme.

In a faraway land called Washington, D.C., there lived a group of people called House Republicans. They were very important because they helped make big decisions for the country. One day, they were all gathered in a big building called the Longworth House Office for a very important meeting. This building was open to the public, so anyone could come and watch what was happening.

While the House Republicans were talking, some people called activists came to ask them some questions. These activists were very concerned about something called the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and wanted to know what the House Republicans were doing to help. They were very brave to ask these important people questions.

One of the activists, named Shabd, even went up to a man named Kevin McCarthy, who used to be the leader of the House Republicans. Shabd started filming him and asking him questions. But then something happened that surprised everyone. Kevin said something very mean and hurtful. He said he supported people getting hurt in a place called Gaza. This made the activists very upset.

But then they saw a man named Santos, who worked for one of the House Republicans, holding a little baby outside of his office. They thought he might be able to help them. But when they started asking him questions, he got very angry and told them not to film the baby. The activists walked away, but Santos followed them and started yelling at them. He even called one of them a very mean name. The situation got very heated and the police had to get involved.

The protesters wanted to know what the House Republicans were doing to help stop the fighting and protect the innocent people in Gaza. One of them, Shabd, said that his family had been affected by a terrible event called the Holocaust and he couldn't just stand by while more innocent people were hurt.

The House Republicans and the activists argued for a while, and things got very loud and scary. But finally, the police were able to calm everyone down and the activists were taken away. The House Republicans went back to their meeting, and the protesters were left wondering if anyone would listen to them.

As the night went on and the stars came out, the activists went home feeling sad and frustrated. They wanted to help make the world a better place, but sometimes it seemed like no one was listening. But they knew that they would keep fighting for what they believed in, because that's what being an activist is all about. And maybe, just maybe, one day their voices would be heard and the world would be a more peaceful place for all.

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