GUEST COLUMN: A comprehensive water strategy for Douglas County
Rueter-Hess Reservoir in Douglas County
As a new member of the Parker Water & Sanitation District board, I have seen firsthand the challenge communities face in ensuring safe and ample water supplies. That is why I am a strong supporter of Douglas County’s strategy to develop a substantive, county-wide water plan — and ensure that it is transparent and accountable.
Like other Colorado counties, Douglas County – one of the fastest growing in the country – is wisely launching a long-range 300-year water plan. As Western water supplies are increasingly under stress, and Douglas County is over-dependent on the non-renewable Denver aquifer, a detailed, verifiable plan to guarantee high-quality, affordable water is prudent and indispensable.
County residents and businesses deserve to know what the current water supplies are in the county, including in our rural areas. The county needs to know how it will ensure water supplies are in place to meet the needs of future robust growth.