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GOP Lawmakers Reject Bill to Require Schools' Use of 'Preferred Names' Without Parental Consent'

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Colorado’s liberal state lawmakers are once again pushing a divisive issue into the spotlight and ignoring parental concerns for their children.

A draft bill that has received preliminary approval would require schools and teachers to use enrolled students by their chosen names and pronouns, regardless of their legal name. And if teachers refuse, they could face disciplinary action or even lose their job.

The proposal, brought forward by high school students who are part of the Colorado Youth Advisory Council, has sparked controversy among lawmakers and parents alike.

With this draft bill, fringe lawmakers from the far left in the Colorado House are once again attempting to overstep the boundaries of parental rights and impose their own agenda on our schools.

This issue has become a hot topic in recent months, as school boards and districts across the state have attempted to honor students' preferred names without consent from their parents. In fact, some districts have even faced accusations of "secretly transitioning" students without parental knowledge or approval.

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Unfortunately, as parents around the state are learning, students already have the right to use preferred names and pronouns through the state Civil Rights Commission. This new bill would only create confusion and a one-size-fits-all policy for districts, which would leave teachers and students vulnerable to disciplinary action.

Furthermore, the bill would also create a new powerful task force to determine the best way to notify parents about their child's chosen name and pronouns.

This raises serious concerns about transparency and parental involvement in child’s actives and guidance at their school. But as Senator Janice Rich of Grand Junction pointed out, this bill could potentially send teachers to the Civil Rights Commission for simply making a mistake.

The most concerning aspect of this bill is the message it sends to students: that it's okay to keep secrets from their parents and deceive them. Republican lawmakers expressed their concerns, with Representative Ron Weinberg stating that "doing things behind parents' backs pushes more into the era of being deceitful, rather than accepting."

And what about the safety of our students?

But the most alarming aspect of this draft bill is the fact that it could lead to students being exposed to harmful and irreversible medical treatments without their parents' knowledge or consent. This is not a hypothetical situation, as we have seen cases where schools have referred students to gender clinics without parental involvement or knowledge.

Parents should have the final say in matters regarding their child's health and well-being. It is not the place of the government to interfere with this fundamental right.


We must continue to stand up for parental rights and protect our children from harmful ideologies. Let your lawmakers know that this draft bill is unacceptable and has no place in our schools.

This proposed legislation is dangerous and must be stopped before it becomes state law.

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