FROM THE GRAVE: George Washington Defends History and ‘Implores Educators to Teach Truth’

In today's tumultuous times, it is disheartening to witness the distortion of our rich American history for political gain. As I reflect upon the recent controversy surrounding the Gadsden Flag, I am reminded of the importance of knowing our true history and the values upon which this great nation was founded.

The Gadsden Flag, with its iconic "DON'T TREAD ON ME" snake, was designed by Brigadier General Christopher Gadsden as a symbol to warn the British against encroaching upon the freedoms of the colonists. Its meaning has always been crystal clear - a powerful statement of resistance and a reminder that our liberties should never be infringed upon.

Yet, in the midst of the all-things-are-racist movement, we are witnessing a troubling trend of distorting history to fit certain ideological narratives. Critical Race Theory, "America is racist" lectures, and misguided notions of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are infiltrating our education systems, sowing seeds of division and misunderstanding.

We must remember that this country was built upon the principles of free speech and the exchange of ideas. It is alarming to hear of a young student being banished from class simply for wearing a Gadsden Flag patch on his backpack. Such actions stifle the very essence of intellectual growth and open dialogue that our nation so desperately needs.

I implore educators and leaders alike to teach our children the truth. Teach them the inspiring stories of how our founders fought valiantly to secure the freedoms we enjoy today. Teach them about the struggles and triumphs of Native Americans and settlers from all walks of life. Teach them about the abolition of slavery and the ongoing fight for freedom across the globe. Teach them about the indomitable spirit of America, which has time and again stood up against tyranny and injustice.

Our children must know that this great nation promotes civil rights, embraces diversity, and champions the cause of freedom for all our citizens. They must understand that the phrase "Don't Tread On Me" is a call to protect the individual liberties that define our American identity. We owe it to them to provide an accurate and comprehensive understanding of our history -- one that instills a sense of pride and responsibility in being part of this great nation.

Let us remember the sacrifices made by those who came before us and be inspired to continue their legacy. Let us reject the divisive rhetoric that seeks to undermine our shared values. Instead, let us stand united, as strong and resilient Americans, saying with conviction, "Don't Tread On Me.For it is through the preservation of our history and the unwavering commitment to our founding principles that we will ensure a brighter future for generations to come.

An op-ed by the long dead President George Washington


A NOTE TO OUR READER: The above op-ed has been penned by none other than the ghost of President George Washington -- with a little AI assistance from yours truly. It appears that even in the afterlife, Washington couldn't resist fighting for freedom or being… revolutionary.

It’s my hope that after reading this AI-aided piece -- you are no longer left wondering if the other side has any fight left!

Watch the
original video and read our first story at these links


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