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Former Speaker Pelosi's Controversial Remarks Surprise Protesters

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Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi engaged in a heated exchange with anti-Israel protesters outside her residence, making headlines with her unexpected comments. The incident took place as protesters chanted for a ceasefire in the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Iranian-backed terror group Hamas in Gaza.

Pelosi shouted back at the protesters, telling them to "go back to China" and suggesting that it was where their "headquarters" were located. This remark has raised more than a few eyebrows.

Speculation is that Pelosi's comment might have been a reference to Code Pink, an anti-war protest group associated with China through its founder, Jodie Evans, and her husband, Neville Roy Singham, a tech entrepreneur based in Shanghai. However, the exact context and intent behind Pelosi's statement remain unclear.

As the protesters cornered Pelosi, video footage captured her attempting to enter a parked vehicle to drive away.

Undeterred, the demonstrators persisted, seeking an answer from the former House Speaker, pointing out that other members of the Democratic Party were calling for a ceasefire as well.

In response, Pelosi reiterated her earlier remark, telling them to "go back to China" and implying a connection between the protesters and the country.

Ironically, Pelosi's comments come just a day after her appearance on CNN's "State of the Union," where she suggested that the pro-Palestinian protesters calling for a ceasefire in Gaza were tied to Russia and were spreading Russian President Vladimir Putin's "message."


She claimed that their plea for a ceasefire was directly connected to Putin's desires, drawing a parallel with the situation in Ukraine.

While Pelosi acknowledged that some protesters were sincere and organic in their efforts, she insinuated that others were connected to Russia. She further suggested that the FBI should investigate the matter, indicating her concern about potential foreign influence in the protests.

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