El Paso County GOP moves to expel former legislators for using 'Republicans' in name

The El Paso County Republican Party wants to kick three precinct leaders off the county party's central committee for their involvement with a campaign organization that uses the word "Republicans" in its name while working to help Republican candidates contact voters.

Those targeted by the local GOP are former state Reps. Lois Landgraf and Kit Roupe, both Colorado Springs Republicans, and longtime party volunteer Candi Boyer, according to documents labeled "Notice of Removal" sent last week by Todd Watkins, the county party's vice chairman.

Their infractions include continuing to operate a "for-profit business" called Peak Republicans after the state GOP ruled in March that the group couldn't use the word Republicans in its name, citing party bylaws and a state statute that requires groups using the name of a political party to get permission from the party.

"The Republican Party is not and has never been a for-profit business," Watkins wrote.

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