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Dr. Anthony Fauci's Closed-Door Congressional Hearing Exposes Troubling Revelations and Calls for Accountability

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This week, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the face of the US Covid response, faced a two-day closed-door congressional hearing aimed at uncovering crucial facts about his role in gain-of-function research in Wuhan, scientific censorship, and the societal harms of Covid policies.

While a public hearing is scheduled for later this year, Chairman of the US Select Subcommittee on Covid, Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), released a summary statement detailing some of the shocking revelations that emerged from the closed-door session.

One of the most alarming revelations was the admission that the widely accepted "6 feet apart rule" for social distancing was not based on any data.

According to Chair Wenstrup, Fauci was quoted as saying, "it just sort of appeared." This admission raises serious questions about the scientific basis for the social distancing measures that were implemented for nearly two years.

Furthermore, Fauci acknowledged that the widespread use of Covid vaccine mandates in 2021-22 would likely increase long-term vaccine hesitancy. These mandates have had severe impacts on public trust and have resulted in numerous unintended consequences, including job losses. Despite the mounting evidence against their use for young people, Fauci reportedly urged American universities to adopt these mandates, disregarding the clinical and social evidence against them.

Fauci also acknowledged that the lab leak hypothesis is not "a conspiracy theory," despite his previous efforts to dismiss it. However, he reportedly played elusive semantic games with the definition of the term, raising doubts about his transparency and accountability.

Another concerning aspect of Fauci's testimony was his repeated claim of not recalling pertinent information or conversations more than 100 times. This pattern of selective memory is reminiscent of Fauci's deposition in 2022, where he evaded questions 174 times regarding his collusion with social media companies to censor Covid-related debate.

Fauci's role in stifling policy debate is also evident in his attacks on reputable scientists who advocated against lockdowns, school closures, and mask and vaccine mandates.

He targeted the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, labeling them as "fringe epidemiologists" and calling for a "quick and devastating published take down" of their work. This led to a disturbing public discourse surrounding "medical misinformation" and the "infodemic," which silenced dissenting voices and smeared those who challenged the official government approach.


It is now clear that the mainstream lockdown doctrine resulted in significant public health harm and eroded democratic norms. Fauci, who held a position of immense power for 38 years as the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), should be held publicly accountable for his mistakes. Yet, he continues to receive accolades, with the American Medical Association praising his dedication to "medical science" and signing a lucrative book deal worth $5 million with a subsidiary of Penguin Random House.

Ironically, Fauci rarely mentioned the harms of Covid policies during the pandemic years. In a rare acknowledgment, he highlighted the "unintended negative consequences" of lockdowns on children and the economy in a BBC interview in March 2022. However, he admitted that we may never know the right balance between infection control and societal well-being, raising concerns about his approach to public health ethics and policy.

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