Despite the taxes you paid, your TABOR refund will be the same as everyone else

The state auditor's office has confirmed that Colorado collected a staggering $3.6 billion more than allowed under the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights (TABOR) in the most recent fiscal year.

This means that hardworking taxpayers will finally get a much-deserved refund.

The Democrat-controlled legislature recently voted to distribute the TABOR refunds so that every taxpayer will receive the same amount of $800, regardless of the taxes they paid during the year. This means that those who worked hardest and contributed more to the state's coffers will receive the same refund as those who did not.

It is important to remember that TABOR was added to the Colorado Constitution in 1992 by the will of the people. It was designed to limit the government's power to take and spend taxpayer dollars without accountability. Yet, once again, the Democrats have chosen to ignore the will of the people and manipulate the system to benefit their own agenda.

For taxpayers to receive their share of the TABOR refund, they must file their 2023 individual income tax returns or a PTC application.


Critics of this unfair redistribution of wealth say it’s time for the Democrats to stop playing games with taxpayer money and start honoring their responsibility to the hardworking citizens of Colorado.

In the next election, Republicans argue that Coloradans should hold their elected officials accountable and demand sensible and responsible use of their hard-earned money. They say possibly it’s time to stop the Democrat-controlled legislature from making these types of unilateral decisions against working Coloradans.


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