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Denver’s War on Drivers Rages Forward as City Plans to Ban Right Turns on Red

Denver residents are facing a worsening traffic nightmare as the city continues to prioritize bikes, scooters, and pedestrians over drivers. The already congested streets of downtown Denver are causing long delays and frustration for commuters, and now, Mayor Mike Johnston's administration is considering a plan that would ban right turns on red.

According to a recent report by Mayor Johnston's transition committee on transportation, right turns on red would be prohibited in areas where crashes involving pedestrians and cyclists are more common. While the mayor's spokesperson, Jordan Fuja, claims that these recommendations are under review, it is evident that the city is actively pursuing measures that hinder drivers' convenience and mobility.

With 27 pedestrian fatalities recorded last year, the city of Denver is already grappling with a significant safety issue. However, Wesley Marshall, a civil engineering professor at the University of Colorado Denver, argues that banning right turns on red would have minimal impact on traffic flow. He suggests that waiting a few extra seconds at intersections would ensure the safety of all road users.

Mayor Johnston is now evaluating these recommendations as he shapes his policy priorities. However, it is concerning that the city council has already demonstrated a willingness to limit drivers' convenience in the name of public safety. In 2021, they voted to lower residential speed limits from 25 mph to 20 mph, further burdening drivers and exacerbating the traffic congestion.

As Denver’s war on drivers rages forward, it becomes increasingly clear that the city's administration is more interested in appeasing a vocal minority of cyclists and pedestrians than ensuring the smooth flow of traffic and the convenience of its residents. The ongoing relegation of streets meant for vehicles and the potential ban on right turns on red only serve to worsen the already dire situation.

You have to ask, don’t the residents of Denver deserve better than the ongoing assault on their ability to navigate their city effectively?