Denver Faces Challenges as Migrant Surge Looms, Highlighting Destructive Sanctuary City Policies

Written By: John C. Moore

Denver is gearing up for its tourist season, but this year, the city is bracing for a different kind of influx - a surge of undocumented migrants from the southern border.

City leaders are warning that a major wave of illegal immigrants will be bused into Denver in the coming weeks, posing significant challenges for an already strained city.

The arrival of hundreds of thousands of undocumented noncitizens raises serious questions about Denver's weak sanctuary city policies and their impact on the city's resources. While any sane individual might question the wisdom of allowing such a massive influx, Denver Democrats seem unfazed by the consequences.

Although the number of migrants in Denver shelters recently dropped below 1,000 for the first time in six months, experts predict that this decline will be short-lived. Denver leaders are scrambling to develop a plan to address the impending surge while consolidating immigrant shelter spaces.

However, the challenges of supporting these new arrivals persist, pushing the city's deficit to over $200 million with no clear solution in sight.

The impact of the migrant surge extends beyond the city's finances. English development teachers across the state are overwhelmed by the demand from students who need language assistance. Test scores for both English and non-English learners in the Denver Public Schools system continue to decline, and without adequate funding, there is no plan in place to reverse this trend.

The strain on Denver's healthcare system is also evident, with hospital systems like Denver Health and the University of Colorado Hospital facing immense financial stress as they provide millions of dollars in care to indigent migrants.

The city has already spent over $61 million on lodging, meals, transportation, and support staff for Central and South American migrants.

Mayor Mike Johnston's administration claims to be finalizing a plan for budget cuts, but as of now, the proposal has not been presented to the city council or made available to the public.


As deficits continue to rise and migrants keep arriving, Denver Democrats appear paralyzed, seemingly indifferent to the crumbling state of their sanctuary city.

It is disheartening to witness the impact of these policies on the capital city of Colorado. The current batch of bureaucrats seems determined to leave a legacy of financial strain and resource depletion for the next generation of Coloradans.

As the city faces the imminent arrival of more migrants, it is crucial to reevaluate the sanctuary city policies that have allowed this situation to unfold, prioritizing the well-being of Denver residents and the sustainable growth of the city.

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