Democrats Renew Attacks on Coloradan's Second Amendment Right to Protect Themselves and Their Families

Colorado lawmakers are once again targeting the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens with a slew of proposed firearm regulations. While last year's gun bills were introduced with great fanfare and bipartisan support, this year's bills have been quietly trickling out, largely unannounced.

Gun rights groups have already vowed to take legal action against any new regulations, bolstered by the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen. This decision set a high standard for any restrictions on the right to bear arms.

The first major firearm bill of the current session, which puts stricter requirements on concealed carry permitting classes, was passed by the House on Monday. As expected, it faced opposition from Republicans and passed along party lines. The bill will now move to the Senate for consideration.

Several other gun bills were also introduced and were set to have their committee hearings last week. These bills still face their first hurdle before they can proceed to the floor for debate.

One of the proposed bills, SB24-131, would prohibit firearms, whether carried openly or concealed, in various designated "sensitive spaces" such as public parks, recreation centers, hospitals, amusement parks, and areas hosting protests or demonstrations. However, houses of worship and buildings owned by local governments would have the discretion to allow concealed carry.


Another bill, HB24-1353, would require gun stores in Colorado to obtain a state-issued permit in addition to the federal firearm license they already hold. To qualify for the permit, dealers must not have violated any gun laws in the past three years or have had their license revoked or denied during the same period.


The bill also mandates annual training for dealers and their employees on current firearm laws, theft prevention, and identifying potential straw purchases. State inspections would be conducted to ensure compliance with the permit requirements.

Supporters of the bill argue that federal permitting alone is insufficient to enforce existing gun violence prevention laws in Colorado. Violating this proposed state permit requirement could result in a fine of up to $250,000. Currently, 15 states already require gun dealers to have a state-issued license.

Another bill, HB24-1270, would mandate that gun owners have an insurance policy to cover injuries resulting from accidental discharges. Exemptions could be granted if applicants are denied coverage by two or more insurers or cannot afford the insurance. A similar provision in a New Jersey gun carry law was blocked by a U.S. District judge last year.


Additionally, HB24-1174, concerning school resource officers would establish qualifications for them to carry handguns on campus and repeal an existing exemption allowing school employees, such as teachers, to carry firearms at school.


Currently, school districts have the discretion to allow employees to concealed carry on campus, and an organization called FASTER Colorado has been providing training to school staff for the past two decades.

Lastly, progressive Democrats are once again attempting to prohibit the manufacture and sale of "assault weapons," which broadly includes most semi-automatic rifles and firearms with certain defined features. It's worth noting that HB24-1292 does not ban possession for individuals who already own these types of weapons.


A similar bill failed in committee last year, even after being amended to only ban rapid-fire trigger activators.

These proposed gun regulations put the rights of law-abiding Coloradans at risk, while doing little to address the root causes of violence. It is crucial that citizens stay informed and engaged in the legislative process to protect their Second Amendment rights from being eroded by progressive lawmakers who prioritize the interests of criminals over law-abiding citizens.


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