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Democrat-Controlled Colorado Legislature Fails to Address Skyrocketing Property Taxes, Offers Loans Instead

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The Democrat-controlled Colorado legislature's negligence in tackling the state's skyrocketing property taxes has left working families struggling to meet their record-high bills.

Instead of taking action to lower evaluations and provide relief, state Democrats, led by Governor Jared Polis, have engaged in a shell game with Colorado property owners, relying on property tax revenue while chipping away at Coloradans' TABOR refunds. Even the resounding failure of Prop HH in November hasn't deterred them from overspending.

Rather than addressing the root cause of the issue, the state's latest solution is to offer loans to Colorado property owners so they can borrow money to pay their astronomical tax bills. It seems that Democrats would rather burden Coloradans with debt than take responsibility for their failure to act and lower property evaluations for homeowners.

Colorado State Treasurer Dave Young has fallen in line with this misguided belief, stating, "Anytime we can keep folks in their homes and help them find tax relief at the same time is a win for Coloradans." While this may sound appealing on the surface, it merely masks the underlying problem caused by the Democrats' refusal to address the exorbitant property taxes.

Traditionally aimed at helping seniors and active military personnel afford their homes by deferring property tax payments, the program was expanded last year to provide relief to homeowners burdened by increased property taxes.

The expanded program does not exempt taxes; it merely offers a loan to assist Coloradans in paying their property taxes, with the loan recorded as a junior lien against the participant's property.

The fact that the state is resorting to loans instead of addressing the root cause of the problem is concerning. One bill introduced by the Colorado legislature could have corrected the evaluations, effectively lowering the tax burdens of hundreds of thousands of homeowners. Yet, the Democrats have chosen to ignore this solution and push struggling homeowners further into debt.


Due to the special legislative session, tax bills will be sent out a few weeks later than usual, according to Treasury spokesperson Sheena Kadi. Homeowners will need to wait until they receive their tax bills from their county before applying for the deferral program.

While the expanded Property Tax Deferral Program may provide temporary relief, it is merely a band-aid solution to a much larger problem. The fact that the Democrat-controlled legislature refuses to address the root cause of skyrocketing property taxes is indicative of their misplaced priorities and disregard for the financial well-being of Coloradans.

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