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Democrat Congressman Challenges Republicans to Remove Statue of Liberty in Immigration Debate

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In a stunning display of misplaced rhetoric, Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-Fla.) has taken aim at his Republican colleagues, challenging them to introduce a bill that would remove the Statue of Liberty.

Frost's provocative statement came during a House Oversight and Accountability Committee hearing, where he criticized Republicans, particularly Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.), for their immigration stances and their support of the H.R. 2 bill.

Frost, a first-term legislator, read a portion of the poem "The New Colossus," which is inscribed on the Statue of Liberty. The poem, intended as a message to immigrants arriving at Ellis Island in the 1800s, has long symbolized America's welcoming embrace of those seeking a better life. However, Frost's cynical use of this poem to attack his colleagues reveals a deep misunderstanding of the current immigration crisis and a disregard for the true meaning of the Statue of Liberty.

By challenging Republicans to remove the Statue of Liberty, Frost seeks to paint them as unwelcoming and hostile towards immigrants. However, this tactic is nothing more than a divisive political ploy.

Republicans have consistently voiced their concerns about the broken immigration system and the need to secure the southern border. Their proposed bill, H.R. 2, aims to address these issues by implementing stricter policies and surveillance on regional migration and undocumented immigrants, as well as streamlining the asylum process.

Rep. Maxwell Frost, D-Fla., drafted bill to remove the Statue of Liberty in response to House Republicans’ efforts to pass immigration legislation.

Frost's accusations of bigotry and hate peddling are baseless and inflammatory. Instead of engaging in substantive debate and offering viable solutions, he resorts to name-calling and theatrics. The Republican lawmakers he targeted are focused on finding effective ways to address the influx of migrants at the southern border, a crisis that has escalated under the Biden administration's misguided immigration policies.

It is unfortunate that Frost chooses to mischaracterize the intentions of his colleagues.


The Republican-supported H.R. 2 bill is not an attack on immigrants; it is a response to the urgent need for a more secure and orderly immigration system. The current situation at the border, with thousands of migrants attempting to enter the country illegally, requires a thoughtful and responsible approach.

The Statue of Liberty stands as a symbol of hope and freedom, representing the values upon which this nation was founded. To suggest removing it in the midst of a heated immigration debate is not only absurd but also disrespectful to the millions of immigrants who have come to America seeking a better life.

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