Colorado research facility will import bats from across the globe and inject them w/ various diseases, funded by Fauci's NIH

A new proposed taxpayer-funded laboratory in Colorado will conduct experiments on dangerous diseases and import bats from around the globe. 

Some Republican legislators are concerned about the project and say it could spark the next global pandemic on US soil.

The Daily Mail reports that the project is a collaboration between Dr. Anthony Fauci's former department at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Colorado State University (CSU), and EcoHealth Alliance (EHA), a research organization that found itself at the center of the Covid lab leak theory. The project will reportedly cost taxpayers millions of dollars.

Researchers involved in the project boasted about its potential, according to the outlet, and said the lab would increase the United States' "ability to study the role of bats in disease transmission and help us become even stronger in researching emerging zoonotic pathogens."

Proposals show that the most transmissible pathogens in the world such as Ebola, Nipah virus, and COVID-19 could be studied inside the 14,000-square-foot facility, the outlet reports. Construction has not yet started but the proposal states it is set to be completed by 2025.

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