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Colorado LGBTQ+ Legislators Slam Ruling In Christian Preschool Program

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A Colorado federal judge has made a controversial ruling that has sparked the outrage of liberal lawmakers.

U.S. District Court Judge Daniel Domenico has granted a preliminary injunction allowing a Buena Vista preschool that receives state funds to maintain its policies based on biological sex rather than gender identity. This decision has been met with fierce criticism from the Colorado Democratic LGBTQ+ Caucus, who claim it goes against the beliefs of the majority of Coloradans.

Darren Patterson Christian Academy (

The preschool in question, Darren Patterson Christian Academy, signed up to participate in Colorado's new universal preschool program and is receiving state funds for qualifying expenses. However, the school's religious beliefs regarding sexuality and gender have clashed with the state's anti-discrimination policies.

The academy requested a religious exemption, which was denied by the state. They then took legal action, arguing that their First and 14th amendment rights were being violated.

The school's attorney, Jeremiah Galus, stated that the school has been serving the community for over 40 years and should not be forced to abandon its religious beliefs in order to receive critical state funding.

On the other hand, attorneys for the state argued that the lawsuit was premature and that the preschool had not been penalized in any way.

However, Domenico found that the preschool had legitimate concerns that complaints could jeopardize their participation in the program or subject them to burdensome investigations. This ruling has been seen as a victory for religious freedom and individual rights by conservative groups such as Alliance Defending Freedom, who are backing the school in this legal battle.

Colorado Rep. Brianna Titone, state's first transgender lawmaker, (TWITTER)

But the LGBTQ+ caucus under the golden dome and their supporters are outraged by the decision. They claim that this will now allow taxpayers to fund religious education institutions that discriminate against LGBTQ+ families. They argue that taxpayer dollars should only be spent on preschools that are willing to cater to all orientations and identities, regardless of the values and beliefs of the school.

The state's Universal Preschool Colorado program, which was approved by voters in 2020, aims to provide free instruction to eligible preschool students in public and participating private providers.

However, this ruling could set a precedent for other religious schools, such as the Catholic schools under the Archdiocese of Denver, who are also suing on similar grounds. The outcome of this case could have far-reaching consequences for the program and the future of state-funded education in Colorado.


As this legal battle continues, the conservative community in Colorado is rallying behind the decision of Judge Domenico to protect the religious freedom of Darren Patterson Christian Academy. They believe that no institution should be forced to compromise their beliefs and values in order to receive funding from the state. The outcome of this case could have a significant impact on the landscape of education in Colorado and beyond.

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