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Colorado Leaders React to Hamas Surprise Attack on Israel on Shabbat

Israel has declared war with Palestinian militant group Hamas after it launched a surprise attack on the nation early Saturday morning during a major Jewish holiday.  At least 200 people were killed and hundreds more wounded, marking the deadliest attack on Israel in years.

In the wake of this heinous act, Colorado's elected leaders are expressing their disgust and condemnation of Hamas' actions.Governor Jared Polis called the attack "heartbreaking and alarming" and stood in solidarity with Israel, urging Hamas to immediately stop its assault.

But Colorado House Minority Leader Mike Lynch went a step further, openly calling the attack "disgusting" and laying partial blame on the Biden administration's foreign policy decisions.

"It appears obvious that these terrorists felt emboldened following the reckless decision by the Biden administration to pay $6 billion in ransom payments to the Iranians," Lynch said in a statement. "Today, I believe that Coloradans stand with the thousands of Israelis barricaded in their homes and each of the brave soldiers fighting to protect their fellow citizens in the midst of this chaos and fear."

Representative Ron Weinberg also expressed his sympathy and support for those affected by the attacks, calling for unity against terrorism and for peace to be achieved.

Even Senator Michael Bennet, a Democrat, stood by Israel and condemned Hamas for their violent assault on innocent Israeli civilians.

"Hamas's violent attacks on innocent Israeli civilians is horrifying. Israel has every right to defend itself against this terrorism. We stand by our ally, Israel," Bennet said in a statement.

As the situation in Israel continues to escalate, Colorado's leaders are united in their support for Israel and stand against terrorism. The nation is in mourning as innocent lives have been lost, but its leaders remain determined to defend their nation against terrorism and protect their civilians.